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How to use Google Translate in various convenient ways

How to use Google Translate in various convenient ways


Google Translate is a great tool for quickly understanding other people’s words in languages ​​you don’t speak or read. Google Translate can be used in a number of ways on the web, mobile phones, and even smartphone cameras.

So, if you want to be able to quickly translate text so that you can understand it, or be able to converse with non-native speakers, this is a great free tool.


Keep reading to see different ways to use Google Translate and how it can help you.

What is Google Translate

At its core, Google Translate is a tool that you can use to translate all sorts of things in your daily life. Direct access from dedicated websites, smartphone apps, browser extensions, Google Assistant, Google search results, and more.

You can use Google Translate to translate different languages. In 2022, Google announced that it can now handle 133 different languages ​​using its translation service. In some cases, you can even download them so you can translate offline.

One of the biggest highlights for us is Google Translate’s ability to automatically recognize languages. So if you don’t even know what you’re trying to read, don’t worry, Google will recognize it.

What you can do with Google Translate

Google Translate gets better every year. The system can now handle translations for many different languages ​​in different ways.

Basic text translation – Of course you can use Google Translate for text blocks. If you have a sentence, paragraph, or more text, just copy and paste it into Google Translate and let the system translate that text into your language. It can also be used to translate entire webpages if the site you are reading does not yet offer an option in your native language. Real-Time Camera Translation – Google Translate uses Google Lens to You can translate anything your camera is pointing at in real time. This means you can use it for tasks like quickly translating restaurant menus or foreign road signs you visit. Real-Time Interpretation – Google Translate works through the Google Assistant to provide live interpretation of your speech. If you have Google Assistant-enabled earbuds (such as Google Buds), you can use them to understand foreign language speech. Photo Translation – You can also translate text in images and screenshots through the app. So you can take a picture and then have the app translate the text for you. Handwriting – Google can also translate handwritten text, but your success here depends on how clean your writing is. How good is Google Translate?

Google Translate has improved a lot over the years, but it’s still far from perfect. You can’t pretend that you’re suddenly fluent in a native speaker’s language. That said, it doesn’t necessarily use a word-for-word translation of the text, instead using machine learning to provide a fairly accurate translation of what the user has asked to see.

Sometimes it doesn’t work, sometimes it’s great. It’s free to use, so I can’t complain about the results!

How to use Google Translate in Google Chrome

Since this is a Google product, it’s no surprise to learn that Google Translate is easily available in Google Chrome. If you are viewing a page in another language and want to know what the text is about, highlight the specific text and then right-click with your mouse. In the menu that appears, you can choose either Google Translate or “Translate selection…” (your language).

Google is also smart enough to recognize that you are looking at content in another language and give you the option to translate everything on the page.

A small black and white Google Translate icon appears in the address bar at the top of your browser. Click on it and it will pop up an option to switch the language to your native language (or any other language of your choice). The entire page will be displayed in another language in a blink of an eye.

How to use Google Translate with Google Search

If your browser defaults to Google as your homepage, the good news is that you can quickly use Google Translate directly from Google’s search results. This is useful if you have text from other places that needs to be translated. If it’s in an email, document, or somewhere else and you can copy and paste it, this is the easy way to do it.

Just search “translate” on Google and it will bring up a dialog box for you to enter your text. Paste it into the box on the left, select the language from the dropdown, and select the language you want to translate in the dropdown on the right.

You can swap these around if you want to translate the other way around.

This tool is useful because it shows both a microphone button and a speaker button in the translation box. You can use your own voice (or someone else’s voice) to capture and translate the language by clicking the microphone. Press the speaker button and Google will speak the translation. This will give you an idea of ​​what it sounds like in the translated language and how you would say it if you needed to converse with someone.


translate with camera

Google Translate is also integrated into Google Lens. This means that you can use this app to translate live what your smartphone camera is pointing at. To do this easily:

Install the Google Lens app on your phone Open the app Click on the translation option Point your camera at the text you want to translate Watch it translate into your native language

If for some reason this doesn’t work, you can change the language option by clicking on the top of the screen. By default, it’s set to automatically detect the language, but similar languages ​​can cause errors, so you can click to change to the specific language you’re trying to translate.

Another option is to take a photo with Google Lens and translate the photo instead. This can be more accurate than live translation, especially if you don’t have a steady hand.

How to use Google Translate offline

If you’re worried about data usage or planning to travel to a foreign country where roaming plans are expensive, you may have thought about offline translation. The good news is that if you plan ahead, Google makes it easy for you to use the app without using your data. can be used for do this:

Open the Google Translate app on your phone Click the language button at the bottom of the screen On the next page, select the download button next to the language you want to translate from You will be warned about the data usage of that download (over Wi-Fi if necessary) Click to download and wait for the download to occur

If you’re doing this, it’s also a good idea to download the Google Maps data so you can use it for offline directions as well. Nothing beats preparation.

How to translate with Google Google Assistant

Everyone’s favorite assistant (bar ChatGPT of course) doubles as a translation tool. With Google Assistant, you can turn on interpreter mode to translate conversations on the fly.

The Google Assistant Translate feature is available for Android and iOS phones as well as various Google Assistant devices. Whether you’re on the go and need a translation, or you have someone at home who needs to talk to Google, we’re always here to help.

This live interpreter translation system doesn’t support as many languages ​​as Google Translate on the web, but it’s still a useful tool.

To translate using Google Assistant, say:

Hey Google, be my Spanish interpreter Okay Google, be my Italian interpreter Hey Google Please turn on interpreter mode or similar

In addition to using Google Assistant to translate, you can also use Google Assistant-enabled headphones. The most obvious choice here is the Google Pixel Buds, but other earbuds work too. Obviously, this requires a mic on your headphones. This allows the Google Assistant to hear you, and other speakers to hear you as well.

do this:

Plug in your headphones and make sure they are connected and turned on Launch the Google Assistant using the command Then say “Help me interpret French” (or translate (similar commands related to the language you are using) start speaking

There’s also a control for long-pressing on the headphones to activate conversation mode. When you hear a language and are ready to translate it, you have to tap the button for the other language. Watch the video above to see an example in action.




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