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Cheaper electric cars could face one big technical hurdle


Why doesn’t Tesla offer a cheaper electric car? A comment from Elon Musk on Monday suggests that the company is facing significant challenges when it comes to car prices, pushing the cutting edge of technology.

The CEO was asked about the Standard Range Tesla Model Y by a Twitter user named “jgrano305”. The compact SUV was announced in March 2019 with a starting price of $39,000. This is part of a three-car strategy to reach a broad market. A more expensive version of the vehicle was launched in March 2020 and the Model Y is currently available for $49,990. However, “jgrano305” pointed out that at the order date of 2021 the standard range version previously listed on the site is now missing. Is it still made?

“No, because the range is unacceptably low (EPA less than 250 miles),” Musk replied. “We have reduced the price of the Model Y LR dual motor. We will be offering the LR single motor Y in the next few months. This will improve the affordability while maintaining a great product.”

The distance that electric vehicles can travel from charge to charge seems to be a pain point for lowering prices and bringing cars to the masses. The entry level Model Y range is 316 miles as tested by the US Environmental Protection Agency (see “EPA” Musk). These ratings are big news for Tesla, and the company had a public exchange with the agency via the Model S, only missing the 400-mile mark earlier this year.

The entry-level Model 3 is currently Tesla’s cheapest car at $37,990 and has a range of 250 miles.

Tesla’s electric vehicles can take advantage of the company’s extensive charging network. Tesla

Tesla was able to ship the car to a lower range, but Musk seems to believe that less than 250 miles provides a substandard experience. In that respect, Musk’s approach is similar to Steve Jobs. When the former Apple CEO asked him for a large market share in 2008, Jobs claimed that he couldn’t ship junk, and the product struggled to compete. Low-end, inexpensive computer.

The range is a highly coveted feature of electric vehicles, especially for the first electric vehicle buyers Tesla wants to seduce. According to a Volvo February 2019 survey, 58% of non-electric vehicle drivers cited power shortages as a major concern.

Tesla has been working to mitigate these issues using the Supercharger Network. The supercharger network can bring the car back to the road within 30 minutes. However, while drivers every hundreds of miles may seem like a wise ownership strategy, buyers who are likely to be buyers are about falling in range during the winter or when towing. Raise concerns.

So what’s stopping Tesla from adding a range? Both battery and powertrain technologies have allowed Tesla to reach its current range, but are also limited by the cheaper models. Tesla appears to be making progress in both areas later this year as it hosts Investor’s Day outlining internal advances in both technology areas. Battery Investor’s Day is currently scheduled for September 15.

Inverse Analysis Cheap electric cars sound great, but cheap electric cars, especially with a narrow range, can leave a sour taste for entry-level buyers. As the battery and powertrain days approach, Tesla may make progress to provide acceptable range even at the low end.

What does it look like? In a 2018 interview with YouTuber MKBHD, Musk suggested that he could launch $25,000 in Tesla in three or four years. That will cut Tesla’s current cheapest car by over $10,000.

While these future advances sound promising, fans of Model Y today may be disappointed with the planned shelving of entry-level models.

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