Jordan Energy Alternative advances with innovation
It was very clear when Marion, Jason, Ohio announced, he was a man on duty.
What You Need to Know Jordan Energy Alternative started after winning the Forge, a small business competition hosted by Marion Technical College. JEA is collaborating with BRITE Energy Innovators in Warren, Ohio to implement the CleanTech Open program for energy entrepreneurs.
JEA business developer Jeremy Dunn talks about Jason Jordan, the founder of a company that, despite his appearance, hasn’t built a time machine from his basement.
I go home and jump in and join their meeting. I usually work until 10am, 11am and 1am and do it all the next day.
He works full-time as an engineer, but he is also an innovator who has been working on his ideas and has been developing his small business since he hit the $400 electricity bill last year.
When we started investigating our solar installation, we found that the entry point was at least $10,000. It was a huge investment and I thought I was an engineer because I was married, had three children and couldn’t afford $10,000. I thought there was another way I could do it myself.
Since then, Jordan Energy Alternative (JEA) has won the 2019 Forge Small Business Competition sponsored by Marion Technical College. He recently joined the National Cleantech Open (CTO) in collaboration with Warren, an Ohio-based BRITE Energy Innovators.
When he was accepted by BRITE and by the CTO, it turned out to be okay.
The CTO is the largest and oldest accelerator for clean technology entrepreneurs. We have created more than 3,000 clean economy jobs.
This was a great opportunity for me, for small businesses, and for Marion, Ohio. We don’t usually think about tech in Marion, but we helped build the Panama Canal and helped put people in space, Jordan said.
And with the help of the CTO, JEA hopes to improve its marketing plans and prototypes and make the product publicly available.
We offer a simple solar device with wheels that can be folded and plugged into a standard 110 outlet to start saving money right away.
And as all new innovations and small businesses are inevitable to setback, Jordan says he has learned not to fear failure, especially now during the coronavirus pandemic.
I felt like I was in Cloud 9 in mid-February, but within a few weeks it seemed to crash, causing a recession and an outage. Shrink your world a little and understand. How can you figure out how to overcome this particular obstacle?
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