IT Department Launches UTH-Share Google Storage Spring Cleanup Campaign

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Google recently announced the end of unlimited storage for educational institutions. In response, UTHealth Houston Information Technology has begun preparations for new storage limits.
University students, faculty and staff are requested to cooperate in deleting unnecessary files in UTH-Share Google Drive and Google Photos and reviewing data usage. It will take a team effort to get the university under the new 230 terabyte shared storage limit.
After nearly a decade of free, unlimited storage, Google is implementing paid subscription plans for Google Workspace for Education. This new model will severely limit storage, says Amy Lanier, chief application systems specialist, administrative and academic technology. We currently store almost three times the amount of data we allow, and this number is increasing every day. That’s why we’re launching a campaign to reduce our data footprint.
Two major upcoming changes will affect shared drive limits and individual user storage quotas.
UTH-Share GoogleDrive Limitations UTH-Share Google Shared Drives are shared spaces where collaborators can easily store, search, and access files from anywhere and on any device.
If members of a shared drive leave UTHealth Houston or are removed from the shared drive, the files added to that shared drive will remain where they were, so your team can still access and update them.
Files in shared drives may not affect individual storage quotas, but they do affect UTHealth Houston’s overall storage. Because of this, IT departments are asking users to investigate both shared drives and My Drive to manage and remove large files that are no longer in use. If the shared drive is significantly out of date, users will be asked to delete it to permanently remove its contents.
quick tip
New UTH-Share Google Drive Requests The UTH-Share team is providing information to the community on how Google Workspace users who want new shared drives can submit a request form. A Google Workspace administrator will evaluate your request and create a shared drive if approved.
Individual Storage Quotas Storage quotas are implemented to keep total usage under the 230 TB institutional capacity. The university community should work together to curate content and articulate group collaboration and archiving processes while doing their best to meet data retention requirements.
New individual storage quotas will take effect by the end of 2023. 5 gigabytes per student and 10 gigabytes per faculty and staff member.
Users with large amounts of data are provided a process to request quota exceptions and are invited to consult with the Cloud Solutions team to request additional storage. These requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
What happens if my storage exceeds my quota? If your data usage exceeds your storage quota, you will not be able to create or edit content on UTH-Share Google Drive. This is a Google-imposed change, not a change imposed by the UTHealth Houston admins.
You’ll still be able to log in to your Google Workspace account and view your existing files, but you may soon lose some Drive functionality.
Cannot create new files in collaborative content creation apps such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms Cannot edit or copy existing files or submit forms Upload new files and images to UTH-Share Google Drive Cannot UTH-Share Photos/Videos/Images to Google Photos
Quick Tip Visit and log in to see your current storage for your individual account. Please contact the UTH-Share support team for recommendations on reducing your storage footprint.
The first action step 1 is to delete unnecessary and old files in UTH-Share Google My Drive and UTH-Share Google Shared Drive to avoid future service interruptions and keep campus storage under 230 TB is to Step 2 is to get the UTH-Share admin team and cloud services team to help migrate your files.
first steps to get started
UTH-Share GoogleMy Drive – Check your storage and delete large files and files from your drive. Access your Google Drive quotas to view large files sorted by file size. Additional guidance can be found at Managing Files in Google Drive UTH-Sharing Google Shared Drives – Consider deleting unnecessary content stored in shared drives. Alternate Storage Location – Contact [email protected] for information on how to migrate your data to an alternate storage location. Available options are OneDrive or Microsoft Teams. Research Data – Researchers migrating large amounts of data are encouraged to consult with the Cloud Her Solutions team. Your team can identify the type of storage you need and provide migration assistance based on the type of data.
Please review our Terms of Service to better understand how we store your data in accordance with University policies. If you need a customized storage plan, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
The UTH-Share support team will publish additional information and provide training over the next few months. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].
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