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Get beta access to Google’s AI Generative Search Experience.Here’s what you need to know

Get beta access to Google’s AI Generative Search Experience.Here’s what you need to know


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Google is now opening access to the generative AI lab tests to a small percentage of testers. This means that a select few users can test Google’s long-awaited AI-powered results.

I’ve previously reviewed Google’s Bard chatbot, and overall I feel like Bing does a better job. My biggest complaint with Bard is the lack of citations, designed to work better with the generative AI within search.

Once I saw access starting to roll out to my users, I had a strong desire to run a test by selecting a query that had me wondering how the generative AI displayed search results. Thanks to the help of Brendan O’Connell, Senior Manager of Organic Search at The New York Post, we were all set.

Here are my initial thoughts on generative AI in Google search results:

how to access

As with when Bard was first available, there’s a waitlist you need to sign up for. You must be in the US (or at least have a VPN) and not have a Workspace account to be added to the list, which can be a roadblock for many there is. Tip: Use your old Gmail address or sign up for a new one if you prefer.

At the time of this writing, Google has sent out invitations to test Generative Search Experiences (GSE) to only a small percentage of testers. So, if you haven’t received an invitation yet, you should receive an email in the next week or so letting you know you’ve been granted access.

Now let’s talk about the information you’re most interested in. Besides the previews shown at Google’s I/O event, I also learned how Google’s search results have changed, how it affects publishers, my feedback to Google, some with additional insight.

Generative Search Experience (GSE) vs regular Google

What surprised me the most about Google’s GSE is that featured snippets are still available with AI answers. I used to think that featured snippets would be replaced by AI answers. So this is already a better scenario for publishers.

Also interesting is that if it’s not shown by default, the user seems to have to click “generate” to ask the generated AI for the answer. It currently doesn’t show up in some queries (such as queries about politics), but it seems to be showing up fairly broadly.

Based on its approach to featured snippets and allowing users to select “generate” to view AI answers, Google does its best to shake the ecosystem less. If Google makes his GSE public for beta testers, it will be much less volatile than previously thought.

Generating an AI answer within the GSE looks like this:

GSE showing Converse tab and Generate button

Another good example of Google’s GSE in action is the query currently ranking within the featured snippet of a US article. Everything in my articles is specific to my area of ​​expertise (I have extensive experience in Marketplace SEO). So I’m pretty sure I’m the original source.

Searching for the query “what is marketplace SEO” within GSE will show generative AI answers at the top of the search results with a very broad overview and 3 links to the article that it appears to be the source of. will be AI component of SERP.

GSE example showing featured snippet with incorrect attribution below AI answer

The problem here is that 3 links seem to appear as the source of the AI ​​answer. This may be true to some extent, but it is not entirely true. His GSE on Google offers the content of my article as its own. The reason I know this to be true is that I’ve been explicitly experimenting with that wording, and it’s only recently that Google started using that text in featured snippets.

The content itself may look pretty generic to someone who knows SEO (content, links, technical content included). Google seems to be using it to their advantage. But I bet Google wouldn’t use the exact same wording if it wasn’t on my webpage.

New opportunities for e-commerce with GSE

From a publisher’s perspective, it’s easy to focus on the downsides of GSE (easily seen as low attribution), but there are some tangible benefits for ecommerce sites that we want to highlight. I would like to

Free product listings is a search feature that has been around in US search results for some time. For a client of mine who has a strong coverage of free product listings, her CTR for these results is very high. With GSE, Google makes these listings even more prominent.

Free product listings that appear higher on SERPs within GSE

In my opinion, this represents a huge SEO opportunity for e-commerce sites that have a well-managed optimization strategy for their product feeds, structured data, and free product listings. However, Google displays different product listings at the top and bottom of search results, so stores may need to adjust their strategies to get a prominent position.

Note: This is the first time GSE actually prioritizes organic links over ads. When using AI to generate his GSE answers, Google doesn’t appear to place another set of ads above the results. Ads now appear at the top of search results for most queries.

With the majority of searchers moving to Amazon for product searches in recent years, the GSE brought more searchers back to Google, resulting in more searchers and organic clicks to the most prominent sites. may produce more. If your site is in the e-commerce space, keep track of your list of sellers closely to keep this dataset up-to-date.

final thoughts

Overall, I’m impressed with Google’s early integration of generative AI within search results. There’s still a lot of room for improvement (in terms of exact attribution), but from what I’ve seen so far it looks like you’re on the right track.

Here is a summary of the key points I mentioned within my article:

Google has opened up early testing of the GSE to some users via Labs. If you still can’t access it and are on the waiting list, expect that to change in the next week or so. Google seems to be using generative AI for far more queries than I expected. The problem, however, is that when the user selects “generate” for many of these queries, the AI’s answer is displayed. Featured snippets weren’t removed from search results as we originally thought. Featured snippets appear directly below the AI’s answer when triggered. As a user, I don’t know how he feels to have two prominent answers to a question in search results like this (but as an SEO, I’m not going to complain!) Google’s AI answer Need better attribution for content used within. After going through various queries, I quickly found answers where the site attributes were not set correctly. This is done on the assumption that the three links that appear at the top of the SERP are considered the main source of AI answers. There is a huge opportunity for e-commerce sites with GSEs, and it is important to highlight this. Track the “seller listings” search appearance filter in Google Search Console to understand where there are gaps in your free product listing strategy.

Once we’ve completed further testing of Google’s GSE, we’ll update this article with any new findings. In the meantime, keep an eye out for emails from Google and let us know on Twitter if you see anything interesting.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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