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Dutch watchdog probes alleged Tesla data breach

Dutch watchdog probes alleged Tesla data breach


Reuters —

The Dutch data protection watchdog said on Friday it was aware of potential data protection breaches by Tesla, but it was too early to comment further.

Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper cited 100 gigabytes of confidential data leaked by a whistleblower on Thursday, accusing Elon Mascus Tesla of failing to adequately protect data from its customers, employees and business partners. reported there is.

“We are aware of the Handelsblatt case and are investigating it,” said a spokesman for the AP data watchdog in the Netherlands, where Tesla’s European headquarters is located.

Citing policy, they declined to comment on whether the agency might or has already launched an investigation. The Dutch agency was informed by the agency in Brandenberg, Germany.

Handelsblatt said Tesla had notified Dutch authorities of the breach, but an Associated Press spokesman said he was unaware of whether the company had made any representations to the authorities.

Tesla wasn’t immediately available for comment on Friday’s Handelsblatt report, but the report said a large amount of customer data could be found in a dataset dubbed TeslaFiles.

The data protection agency in Brandenburg, home of Tesla’s European Gigafactory, said the data breach was large.

“I don’t remember the scale of it,” said Dagmar Hartge, data protection officer for the state of Brandenburg, who said the case had been turned over to Dutch authorities, who would be held responsible if the allegations lead to enforcement. he added.

He added that Dutch authorities would take weeks before deciding whether to treat the case as part of European proceedings.

Handelsblatt reported that the files contained a table containing the names of more than 100,000 former and current employees, including the Social Security number of Musk CEO of Tesla, and that personal emails It also contains addresses, phone numbers, employee salaries, customer bank account information, and confidential manufacturing information. .

The infringement would violate GDPR, the company said.

If such violations are proven, Tesla could be fined 4% of its annual turnover (€3.26 billion).

German trade union IG Metall said the revelations were disturbing and urged Tesla to inform its employees of all data protection breaches and create a culture in which employees can raise issues and complaints openly without fear. asked to proceed.

Dirk Schulze, IG Metall’s incoming district manager for Berlin, Brandenburg and Sachsen, said these revelations are in line with the overall picture we have had in just under two years.

Handelsblatt reports that a Tesla lawyer said a disgruntled former employee abused his access as a service technician, and Tesla will take legal action against the suspected exfiltrator. added.

Citing leaked files, the newspaper reported that there were thousands of customer complaints about the automaker’s driver assistance systems, and about 4,000 complaints about hard acceleration and dry braking.

A Reuters report last month said a group of Tesla employees privately shared highly invasive videos and images recorded by customers’ on-board cameras via an internal messaging system between 2019 and 2022. I found out.

This week, Facebook parent company Meta was fined a record €1.2 billion ($1.3 billion) by the European Union’s chief privacy regulator over its handling of user data, and was banned from transferring user data to the United States. A five-month grace period was given to the suspension.




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