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China’s first domestic passenger plane makes first commercial flight

China’s first domestic passenger plane makes first commercial flight


China’s first domestically produced passenger plane made its first commercial flight on Sunday.

China’s first homegrown passenger plane made its first commercial flight on Sunday, marking a milestone in China’s decades-long effort to compete with its western rivals in aviation.

The Chinese government hopes the commercial jetliner C919 will compete with foreign models such as the Boeing 737 MAX and Airbus A320, but many of its parts are sourced from abroad.

The first domestically produced jet airliner with mass-commercial potential would also reduce China’s reliance on foreign technology amid souring relations with the West.

“In the future, most passengers will be able to choose to travel on domestically produced large aircraft,” state broadcaster CCTV said.

China Eastern Airlines flight MU9191 from Shanghai “arrived smoothly” in Beijing just after 12:30pm, about 40 minutes ahead of schedule, according to CCTV.

Footage showed passengers disembarking the plane and entering the terminal, after which dozens of staff and officials held a brief ceremony on the tarmac for photos.

A male passenger told CCTV: “(The flight) was very smooth, comfortable and memorable. I will remember this fondly for some time to come.”

The station aired footage of the plane rising over Shanghai Hongqiao Airport on Sunday morning, saying it had 130 passengers on board.

Footage in state media showed passengers gathering at a sunny Shanghai airfield to admire the sleek white jets before departure.

Passengers received red boarding passes and sumptuous “themed meals” to commemorate the flight, CCTV reported.

There were also videos of passengers waving flags and singing patriotic songs while they cut cakes during the flight.

Seeking self-sufficiency in key technologies, China has invested heavily in domestic jet production.

The plane is built by the state-owned Civil Aviation Corporation of China (COMAC), but many of its components, including the engine, come from abroad.

Zhang Xiaoguang, director of marketing and sales at COMAC, told the state-run Xinhua News Agency that the flight was “a coming-of-age ceremony for a new aircraft”, adding that the C919 “will get better if it stands up to the test of the market.” .

“Important Milestone”

CCTV reported that the C919 will operate on China Eastern’s scheduled routes between Shanghai and the southwestern city of Chengdu from Monday.

The first model of the narrow-body jet was formally delivered to China Eastern Airlines in a ceremony at a Shanghai airport last year in what state media hailed as an “important milestone” for the country’s aviation industry.

Zhang Yujin, deputy general manager of COMAC, told the state-owned Shanghai newspaper in January that the company had received orders for about 1,200 units of the C919.

COMAC plans to increase its annual production capacity to 150 models within five years, Zhang said at the time.

Asia and China in particular have become key targets for European maker Airbus and its U.S. rival Boeing, which are looking to capitalize on the growing demand for aviation by the country’s huge middle class.

Airbus announced last month that it would double its production capacity in China and sign a contract to build a second A320 final assembly line in Tianjin.

The first assembly plant in the northern city opened in 2008 and is producing four A320s a month, with Airbus hoping to increase to six a month by the end of the year.

2023 AFP

Source: China’s first homegrown passenger plane makes first commercial flight (May 28, 2023) from 2023 Retrieved May 28

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