Yiyun Zhang Speaks at Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy — MIT Media Lab
The Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy brings together scholars from around the world to address the challenges and characteristics of science and innovation policy and processes. The 2023 conference was held May 24-26, 2023 at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
PhD student Yiyun Zhang (AeroAstro) has been accepted for a poster at the conference based on his work in the Zero Robotics program. She made a presentation on “Using Zero Robotics as a research case for a cross-cutting anti-racist technology framework”.
Here’s a summary of the posters and related projects:
A new theoretical framework called the Intersection Anti-Racism Technical Framework has been developed by Dr. Daniel Wood and Dr. Katrin Turner. This framework uses system architecture to describe, evaluate, and design approaches for incorporating cross-anti-racism during the lifecycle stages of technology definition, design, and delivery. This framework defines technology across four levels of scale, including concept, artifact, complex product systems, and complex socio-technical systems. The framework seeks to demonstrate ways to adopt intersectional anti-racist thinking and act towards promoting equity at each stage of the technology lifecycle.
In this study, Zero Robotics (ZR) is used as a case study for STEM outreach activities to implement a cross-cutting anti-racism technology framework. This framework provides a way to assess how the Zero Robotics program applies anti-racism principles to program design and execution. Using this framework, new insights and visions for the program design and delivery stages are being explored. Zero Robotics, an educational outreach program led by MIT Professor Wood, is the first space robotics competition to be held in the United States since 2009. The program aims to get a young secondary school student involved in computer science and space technology and prepare him for his future STEM talent. Over 20,000 of his students and 4,500 of his educators in 15 countries participate in the program.
Each year there is a game challenge designed for students to gain hands-on engineering and coding experience. During the program, students learn the fundamentals of science and robotics and practice their coding skills in an online simulation called the ZR Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The final competition will be streamed live from the International Space Station (ISS), where students will interact with astronauts and watch code run in space. The program uses the space-free flyer robot “Astrobee” aboard the ISS and aims for social impact in promoting STEM education and educational equality. The ZR program sits at the crossroads of scale between complex product systems and complex socio-technical systems in the framework. This means that both technical and social factors need to be considered when asking how programs can be designed with regard to the identities of program beneficiaries. Continued development of the program is underway to expand participation of underrepresented groups and overcome the technical challenges associated with transitioning to new robotic systems.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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