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How Google Expands Data Clean Room Tools for Post-Cookie Ad Targeting

How Google Expands Data Clean Room Tools for Post-Cookie Ad Targeting


Google is rolling out a clean room collaboration, which will be key to opening new data channels in the ad tech ecosystem as programmatic advertisers prepare for a post-cookie internet. Google has gradually opened up to its cleanroom providers like InfoSum, Habu and LiveRamp, which offer services for publishers and advertisers who trade online ads through Google’s Display & Video 360 demand-side platform. And last week, Google made his core data product called PAIR widely available through these partners.

PAIR stands for “Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation” and is a new way for marketers and publishers to match audiences for targeted advertising while protecting customer data with clean room technology from Habu, InfoSum and LiveRamp. is. Google has its own clean room, known as the Google Ads Data Hub, which marketers and publishers also use to refine data sets for online advertising targeting and measurement. Since October, Google has made its cleanroom capabilities available to more third parties adopting PAIR, and all cleanroom partners now say the tool is generally available. Google’s clean room initiative is seen as a step toward making its tightly controlled advertising platform even more open, giving publishers and marketers more flexibility to work with their own data sets and marketing partners. Become.

Also read: A Guide to Data Clean Rooms

“What are they doing? [Google] said Valerie Mercurio, vice president of business development at InfoSum, a data collaboration platform. “It will be a more neutral playing field for teams that have already implemented cleanroom technology.”

Clean rooms are all the rage in online advertising as the industry develops ways to share data without exposing customer information or leaking information into unprotected internet ad auctions. And with the deprecation of his cookies in his web browser, which Apple has already done away with and Google will soon follow, the big marketer is looking for new ways to collect and use his own data for advertising. I’m here. Rather than relying on his cookies from third parties, the brand is building first-party data sets to run targeted advertising campaigns. The clean room is where publishers and brands that sell advertising space can sync audience data. Google’s PAIR was developed as his one type of identity solution that can be used by advertisers using Display & Video 360.

“Google is anticipating the demise of third-party cookies,” Mercurio said.

Dan Taylor, Google’s vice president of global advertising, said PAIR is for publishers and advertisers to “deliver personalized experiences to their customers, each with a trusted first-party relationship.”

“Publishers can use any SSP” [supply-side platform] “PAIR can be used across all kinds of inventory and transaction types, including open auctions and private marketplaces,” Taylor said in an email to Ad Age. “We also recently announced integrations with several clean rooms to enable customer choice and help extend PAIR’s workflow, data management and encryption processes. It removes the need for publishers to do this on their own.”

“We plan to integrate Ads Data Hub for Marketers with PAIR as well, and will consider adding more clean room integrations in the future based on feedback from our partners,” said Taylor.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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