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The most commonly searched injuries on Google, some of which are more common than you think

The most commonly searched injuries on Google, some of which are more common than you think


What are the most commonly researched injuries on Google? There’s a study for that.

Do you have any pain? You are not alone.

Here are the five most Googled injuries in the United States and tips to help you decide when to go to a doctor, emergency center, or emergency room.

they are :

carpal tunnel syndrome bursitis shin splint muscle strain concussion

The breakdown of each is as follows. The list is provided by Chicago-based personal injury law firm Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers.

The survey points out what people are searching online for injuries. This method included Google Keyword Planner data on 102 injury lists over the last 12 months.

Florida’s Collier County Health Department does not track injury searches on Google, but does maintain an extensive injury prevention resources page, said spokeswoman Christine Hollingsworth.

This site is located at

The Injury Prevention List is available at

1st place: Carpal tunnel syndrome

Our analysis shows that there are 222,623 searches for carpal tunnel syndrome on Google every month nationwide.

This damage affects the median nerve in the wrist, causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and forearm.

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According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine, it occurs when the median nerve is compressed or compressed.

Initial symptoms can often be relieved with simple measures, such as wearing a wrist splint while sleeping or doing exercises to increase nerve mobility.

Steroid injections into the carpal tunnel may help reduce pain, according to the Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

In most patients, pain worsens over time.

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Surgery to correct carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common wrist and hand surgery in the United States, with more than 400,000 surgeries performed annually, according to the National Library of Medicine.

no. 2: Bursitis

The second most searched injury on Google is bursitis, with an average of 217,089 searches per month.

With an average of 16,175 searches for bursitis per month, Florida has the most searches for bursitis among all states.

Symptoms include pain and swelling in the joints and may be related to repetitive movements or work that requires prolonged pressure on the joints.

According to the Mayo Clinic, bursitis affects the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that cushions the bones, tendons, and muscles near joints.

The most common locations are shoulders, elbows and hips. It often occurs near joints that undergo frequent repetitive movements.

According to Mayo, the main treatments are rest, cold, heat, compression and elevation. Also called the RICE regimen, doctors recommend this approach for several weeks.

Other options include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and acupuncture.

Part 3: Shin splint

Thin splints are searched an average of 215,527 times per month.

The state with the most searches for shin splints is California, with an average of 28,783 monthly searches, or 13% of all state searches.

Shin splints are often associated with running. According to the Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, strenuous sports activities can cause shin splints, especially if you’re just starting a fitness program.

Shin splints can cause tenderness and pain along the inside of the shinbone and mild swelling in the lower leg.

Accurate diagnosis is very important. In some cases, there may be other issues that can affect healing.

Your doctor may order additional imaging tests to rule out other shin problems such as stress fractures, tendonitis, and chronic exertional compartment syndrome.

No. 4: Muscle Tightness or Tear

Muscle stains are the 4th most searched injury on Google, averaging 171,305 searches per month.

Acute muscle strain can be caused by idiosyncratic events, such as using an incorrect or inappropriate posture to lift heavy objects, and chronic muscle strain can be caused by repeating the same movement. can be caused by stress on

Muscle strains account for up to 55% of all sports injuries, and muscle strain injuries are very common.

Initial treatment includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Mild strains can be treated at home. Severe damage may require surgical repair.

No.5: Concussion

There are 140,505 searches for concussion every month.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a blow, blow, or impact to the head that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.

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Nearly half of concussion hospitalizations are caused by falls. Other causes include firearm-related injuries, car accidents, and assaults, according to the CDC.

This sudden movement causes the brain to bounce and twist in the skull, causing chemical changes in the brain that can stretch and damage brain cells.

Signs and symptoms may not appear until hours or days after the injury.

Tests that your doctor may do or recommend include neurologic tests, cognitive tests, and imaging tests.

Relative bed rest is recommended for the first two days after a concussion, including limiting thinking and activities that require mental concentration.

However, complete rest, such as lying in a darkened room and avoiding all stimuli, is not recommended as it does not aid recovery.




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