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5 insidious ways AI has already impacted your life for years

5 insidious ways AI has already impacted your life for years


You probably have the wrong idea about artificial intelligence, but it’s not your fault. The past few months have been filled with stories about the supposed power and capabilities of technology, ranging from the sensational to the downright ridiculous. It certainly doesn’t help that AI experts and pioneers are complicit in signing open letters calling for a moratorium on AI research and warning of impending extinction-level events.

AI is not just chatbots and image generators. Nor is Skynet threatening to act and destroy all of humanity. In fact, artificial intelligence isn’t all that intelligent, allowing it to do real harm to humans by hallucinating facts and hiding a history of making bad decisions.

Many factors contribute to these harms, but most of them can be summed up in the eternal problem of prejudice. AI bots like ChatGPT and the algorithms used to recommend YouTube videos are all trained on massive amounts of data. This data comes from humans, many of whom are unfortunately bigoted, racist and sexist.

For example, if you’re trying to build a bot that decides who should graduate from college, you might upload demographic information about the types of people who’ve earned degrees. But if we do, the fact that minorities have historically been disproportionately rejected from colleges could result in mostly white men while rejecting the majority of people of color. expensive.

This is no exaggeration. We’ve seen this played out in many different ways. While public debate about AI has exploded in recent months, it has actually impacted many aspects of our lives over the years. Before ChatGPT, AI programs were also used to determine the livelihoods of unemployed people, whether they had secured housing, and even the type of medical care they received.

This context gives you a realistic view of what this technology can and cannot do. Without it, you’re likely to be fooled by the AI ​​hype, which in itself can be very dangerous. Along with the hype comes misinformation and misleading claims about these bots. There are many ways this technology is embedded in our lives, but here are six of the most significant examples we’ve seen.

Housing loan

If you want to buy a home, you probably have to go through an algorithm. For example, your FICO credit score is the result of an algorithmic process that largely determines your ability to secure loans of all shapes and sizes.

However, it may also go through an AI-powered approval process. In 1995, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made the process of approving or denying mortgages faster and more efficient by using AI to assess whether potential borrowers were likely to default on their loans. introduced automated underwriting software that promised to do

These systems were promised to be colorblind, but the results were terrible. According to The Markup’s 2021 report, U.S. mortgage lending algorithms are 80% more likely to reject black applicants and 50% more likely to reject applicants from Asia and the Pacific; Applicants of descent are 40% more likely to reject applicants of Native American ancestry compared to similar Caucasian applicants.

In cities like Chicago, the numbers were even higher, with black applicants 150 percent more likely to be rejected than white applicants. In Waco, Texas, he was 200% more likely to be rejected for a Latino applicant.

Prison and Prison Sentences

We think of judges and lawyers when it comes to punishing and showing leniency in court. In practice, much of that work is done using algorithms that determine a defendant’s likelihood of recidivism, or propensity to reoffend as a criminal.

In 2016, ProPublica found that commonly used AI helped judges give tougher sentences to black defendants twice as often as white defendants (45 percent vs. 23 percent). I discovered that In addition, white defendants were found to be at lower risk of recidivism than they actually were, resulting in skewed recidivism rates.

The same bots are still used today for crime risk assessments in states such as New York, California, Florida and Wisconsin.

job offer

As if the job search process wasn’t infuriating enough, you may have to deal with racist HR bots reading your resume out loud.

Hiring bots come in many forms. HireVue, the national recruiting agency used by companies like Hilton and Unilever, provides software that analyzes the facial expressions and voice of applicants. The AI ​​will then score the employee and give the company an assessment of how well they are doing compared to their current employees.

There are also AI programs that perform rsum analysis to quickly screen resumes for suitable keywords. This means that you may even be rejected before a human HR representative even reads your cover letter. As a result, like many other AI applications, applicants of color are disproportionately rejected when compared to similarly white candidates.

medical diagnosis and treatment

Hospital systems and clinics are accustomed to using automated systems to assist in the diagnostic process. In fact, places like the Mayo Clinic have long used AI to identify and diagnose heart conditions and more.

But stigma is bound to rise when it comes to AI, and healthcare is no exception. A 2019 study published in Nature found that black patients often received worse treatment than similar white patients due to algorithms used to manage healthy populations. bottom. Less money will also be invested in black communities and patients with the same level of need.

With the rise of ChatGPT and the various medical tech startups trying to create diagnostic chatbots (to varying degrees), many professionals are now facing the already confirmed harm caused by chatbots. , fears that these prejudice problems will be exacerbated. This is not helped by the medical community’s sordid history of scientific racism either.

Recommended algorithm

Perhaps the most visible example of how AI will impact your daily life is probably the same reason you first stumbled upon this article: social media algorithms. These AIs show your friends the latest Instagram photo from your recent vacation in Italy or embarrass your mom’s girlfriend’s Facebook status, while lifting extremist content on YouTube and Twitter. You can also promote far-right policies in

Historically, these algorithms have been used by bad guys in the past to drive political narratives. Time and time again, we have seen large troll farms based in places like Albania and Nigeria being used to spread disinformation to undermine elections.

Get the most out of these algorithms and you’ll see new and fun videos to watch on YouTube and Netflix. At worst, the video tries to convince you that vaccines are dangerous and that the 2020 election is a stolen one.

But that’s the nature of AI. These are technologies with great potential to help make decisions easier and more efficient. But when weaponized by the bad guys, exploited by greedy corporations, and lazily applied to historically racist and biased social systems such as incarceration, it ultimately does more harm than good. It gets much bigger and you don’t need an AI to tell you that.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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