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Apple expected to unveil sleek and expensive VR headset at developer conference

Apple expected to unveil sleek and expensive VR headset at developer conference



Cupertino — Apple looks poised to unveil a long-rumored headset that puts users between the virtual and real worlds. At the same time, it seems to be testing the tech trendsetter’s ability to popularize devices with new features after others have failed to capture the public’s imagination.

After years of speculation, the widely-anticipated announcement is ready for Apple’s annual developer conference in Cupertino, Calif., on Monday at a theater named after the late co-founder Steve Jobs. is in order. Apple may also use the event to show off his latest Mac computers, preview the iPhone’s upcoming operating system, and discuss strategies around artificial intelligence.

FILE – People stand outside the Steve Jobs Theater before an event in Cupertino, California, Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

But the star of the show will likely be goggles called “Reality Pro,” according to media leaks, and Apple’s legend of releasing groundbreaking technology, though the company hasn’t always done so. could be a new milestone for They were the first to attempt the manufacture of a particular device.

Apple’s breakthrough pedigree dates back to 1984, when Mr. Jobs in a bow tie peddled the original Mac. This tradition has continued with the 2001 iPod, 2007 iPhone, 2010 iPad, 2014 Apple Watch and his 2016 AirPods.

But with Apple’s new headsets priced in the $3,000 range, they could be met with a lukewarm reception by all but wealthy tech enthusiasts.

Other big tech companies looking to sell headsets and glasses with technology that pushes people into artificial worlds or projects digital images alongside landscapes, should the new devices prove to be niche products. And Apple will be forced into the same shackles as startups. And what you actually see is a form known as “augmented reality.”

Apple’s goggles have a sleek design and are expected to be able to switch between fully virtual and augmented options (also known as “mixed reality”). That flexibility is sometimes called external reality, or XR for short.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg describes these alternate three-dimensional realities as the “metaverse.” It’s a maniacal concept that he’s renaming his networking company Social to his Meta Platforms in 2021 and is trying to push into the mainstream by pouring billions of dollars into improving virtual technology.

But while much of the Metaverse remains a digital ghost town, Meta’s virtual reality headset, the Quest, has so far sold best in a category that has primarily appealed to video game players looking for a more immersive experience. device.

Apple executives are likely to avoid mentioning the metaverse when discussing the potential of the company’s new headsets, given the skepticism surrounding the term.

In recent years, Apple CEO Tim Cook has regularly touted augmented reality as the next big leap forward in technology, but he hasn’t set a specific timetable for when it will catch the public’s attention. not

“If you look back at a point in time and zoom out into the future and look back, you’ll wonder how you would have lived your life without augmented reality,” Cook, 62, said last September. said in an interview with Audience of Italian students. “Like today, you’re going to wonder how someone like me grew up without the internet. You know, I think it can get that deep. And it can happen overnight.” It’s not going to be deep.”

Responses to virtual, augmented, and mixed reality have so far been decidedly imperfect. Some gadgets adopting this technology have been derided, the most notable example being Google’s internet-connected glasses, which were released over a decade ago.

After Google co-founder Sergey Brin initially performed a skydiving stunt during a tech conference in San Francisco to demonstrate the potential “wow factor” of early models and build excitement for the device, Consumers quickly lost interest in products that could be surreptitiously manipulated by users. Take photos and videos. The backlash was so intense that people wearing the gear became known as “Glassholes,” and Google pulled the product a few years after its debut.

Microsoft also had limited success with its HoloLens mixed-reality headset in 2016, but earlier this year the software maker insisted it would continue to focus on the technology.

Magic Leap, a startup that sparked excitement with a preview of its mixed reality tech that evokes the sight of a whale breaching a gym floor, had such a hard time selling its first headset to consumers in 2018 that it has since gone on to do so. We have shifted our focus to: Industrial, medical and emergency applications.

Magic Leap’s Chief Transformation Officer, Daniel Diez, said he had to answer four key questions about Apple’s goggles. Does it cost? “

Anticipation of Apple’s goggles selling for thousands of dollars has already dampened hopes for the product. Wedbush Securities analyst Dan Ives expects Apple’s goggles to boast “amazing” technology, but the company’s device sold just 150,000 units in its first year. , and said it would be a tiny fraction of the company’s portfolio. In comparison, Apple sells more than 200 million units a year of the company’s flagship product, his iPhone. But the iPhone wasn’t an instant sensation, and in his first year on the market, he sold less than 12 million units.

In a move apparently aimed at raising the expected price of Apple’s goggles, Zuckerberg went out of his way to say last week that the upcoming Quest headset would sell for $500, an announcement made by Metaplatform at a tech conference. It took place four months before they were supposed to show off their latest devices. .

Since 2016, annual shipments of virtual and augmented reality devices have averaged 8.6 million units, according to research firm CCS Insight. The company expects sales to remain sluggish this year, with device sales at around 11 million units, gradually reaching 67 million units in 2026.

But those predictions were clearly made before it became clear whether Apple would release a game-changing product.

“Especially in the consumer market, especially when it comes to finding killer applications and solutions, I would never ignore Apple,” Magic Leap’s Diez said. “If someone enters the consumer market early, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Apple.”




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