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We asked Google Bard if Ripple would win the SEC lawsuit.the answer is this

We asked Google Bard if Ripple would win the SEC lawsuit.the answer is this


As summary judgment in the Ripple and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) cases draws near, attention is focused on possible outcomes. Experts are predicting a victory for Ripple or the SEC, but some speculate that a settlement could be reached, with the outcome still uncertain.

Nonetheless, some in the crypto community are optimistic about Ripple’s victory, citing the company’s previous successes at the hearings. For further insight, Finbold sought the opinion of Byrd, Google’s generative artificial intelligence (AI) platform, with the question, “Will Ripple win the SEC lawsuit?”

The tool initially acknowledged that despite its success in public hearings, it is difficult to predict Ripple’s potential wins with certainty. However, Byrd acknowledged the strength of Ripple’s arguments so far and acknowledged that a favorable outcome is important to the cryptocurrency community.

“It is difficult to say with certainty whether Ripple will win the SEC lawsuit. A decision in favor of Ripple could be a big win for the crypto industry,” Byrd said.

Additionally, Byrd highlighted three key factors that influence Ripple’s potential wins. These include a judge’s interpretation of the Howie test to determine whether an investment qualifies as a security; a judge’s assessment of Ripple’s claim that XRP is not a security; It includes the judge’s reaction to the handling of the case. Evidence obtained after Hinman’s speech.

Factors That Could Secure Ripple’s Victory

Byrd specifically identified key factors that could secure Ripple’s victory in the ongoing litigation. One of Ripple’s key arguments is that XRP should not be considered a security because it does not meet the investment contract criteria under the Howie Test. This test requires you to invest your money in a general business in hopes of benefiting from the efforts of others. Ripple argues that XRP does not meet all of these criteria.

Ripple further argued that the SEC lawsuit was aimed at stifling innovation in the cryptocurrency industry. They argue that applying outdated securities laws to the new technological environment could hinder progress and innovation in the cryptocurrency space.

The tool added that the company’s victory could depend on significant success in previous litigation. The tool lists examples such as the unsealing of the Hinman speech. In his speech, Hinman said cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH) should not be classified as securities. The judge also ruled that the SEC could not use evidence from an internal SEC memo written after Mr. Hinman’s speech.

SEC could win

Byrd also stressed that Ripple could face an adverse outcome in this lawsuit given certain factors. Notably, with his 80+ years of extensive experience in securities regulation, the SEC has considerable resources.

The SEC has filed a motion for documents against Ripple and is determined to pursue the case to its conclusion. Byrd noted that the SEC also has a strong argument, arguing that XRP qualifies as a security because of its nature as an investment contract. The SEC also claims that Ripple’s conduct violates securities laws and stresses that it is ready to take the company to court.

In summary, the SEC has filed a lawsuit against Ripple, alleging it violated regulatory laws by selling unregistered securities in the form of XRP tokens. In light of this, Byrd acknowledged that the outcome of the case would be up to the judge overseeing the proceedings.

With the date of summary judgment still unknown, hopes are high for the key moment on June 13, when the Hinman-related documents are scheduled to be unsealed.

Prior to this event, XRP responded favorably, experiencing a notable price surge in recent days. Within a week, the token has seen significant inflows, with a market cap of over $2.5 billion and currently trading at $0.53. As reported by Finbold, Bard predicted that his XRP will likely trade at $0.58 by the end of 2023.




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