Department of Defense Bridges Death Valley with Second Year of Technology Funding – MeriTalk
The Department of Defense (DoD) recently selected 11 projects as part of a new program to fill the military technology death valley.
The Department of Defense’s announcement in late May is the second of the projects to be funded through the Agency’s Pilot Program for Accelerating the Procurement and Deployment of Innovative Technologies (APFIT).
The purpose of the APFIT Pilot Program is to rapidly move technologies from development to production and accelerate their application to combatants. Congress has assigned to the Department of Defense through the Defense Authorization Act through fiscal year 2022 (fiscal year), the first year of the program. $100 million to APFIT.
With $150 million allocated to the department this year, the Pentagon said the APFIT funds would help provide the ability to win wars a year or two ahead of schedule, while also helping the United States through investments in small businesses. It is said that it also contributes to the soundness of the industrial base of the country. and non-traditional defense development capabilities.
Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Xu said in a statement that he was pleased with the growing support from Congress for the APFIT program. This flexible funding is helping the Department of Defense transform how it rapidly pivots to combat capability procurement and deployment across the military and defense agencies.
The pilot program is an important tool that will help bridge the “Valley of Death” and increase its ability to transition to combatants sooner than previously planned, Mr. Shu continued. Funded companies will fill a significant capability gap. Without APFIT funding, these capabilities could take many more years to come to fruition.
The idea of APFIT is to slightly increase spending on technologies that have already proven to be potentially useful in the military, but lack sufficient funding for mass commercialization. This is what government agencies often refer to as the valley of death, the seemingly insurmountable chasm between initial prototyping of a new technology and getting it into the hands of government users.
Each project will see an influx of $10 million to $50 million in technology development from smaller, non-traditional defense contractors, according to the Pentagon.
The 11 projects range from commercial satellite communications terminals for the Marine Corps to integrated air defense cameras for the Defense Innovation Force to network enhancements for the Navy in conflict environments.
Ken Calvert, Republican, California, Chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, said, “With the announcement of the second APFIT project, the Department of Defense will provide combatants with innovative tools on a rapid schedule. We are realizing the goals of the program.”
I fought for the establishment of APFIT so that new ways to succeed on the battlefield would not be hindered by old ways inside the Pentagon, Calvert continued. Congressional colleagues, DoD officials and industry partners believe he recognizes the value of the APFIT program and look forward to its continued growth.
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