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Google Claims Latest Quantum Experiment Will Take Decades on Classical Computers

Google Claims Latest Quantum Experiment Will Take Decades on Classical Computers


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Scientists at Google say a quantum computer has completed a computational task that would take a conventional supercomputer 47 years to complete, according to a new study. The challenge was a random circuit sampling calculation. The experiment was run on the latest version of the Sycamore processor hardened to 70 qubits. Image: Google Quantum AI

Further asserting quantum supremacy, Google scientists are reporting that a quantum computer has completed a computational task that would take a conventional supercomputer 47 years to complete, The Telegraph reported.

Google scientists published their findings on the prepress server ArXiv. Scientists often use servers to distribute their research results before seeking formal peer review.

The team used the latest version of Google’s quantum computer. In 2019, his 53-qubit machine named Sycamore was used in one of his first attacks on the quantum supremacy milestone. Quantum supremacy is the theoretical point at which quantum computers can perform tasks far beyond the capabilities of classical computers and supercomputers.

For this task, the scientists used an upgraded version of Sycamore with 70 qubits. Qubits can be thought of as the fundamental unit of quantum information, just as bits are the fundamental pieces of classical information.

These additional qubits mean the new processor is 241 million times more powerful than its predecessor, reports The Telegraph, but other factors such as coherence time can affect quantum computer performance. may give.

The researchers point out that the experiment is designed to answer questions that have swirled around this classical-quantum rivalry.

they wrote: “This intensifying quantum-classical race raises two questions: Is there a well-defined boundary to the region where exponentially large Hilbert spaces are actually exploited by noisy quantum processors? What matters is whether we can establish observations that directly probe these boundaries.”

In the experiment, scientists performed a random circuit sampling task. Quantum computing involves testing the performance of quantum computers by running random circuits and analyzing the resulting outputs to assess their ability and efficiency to solve complex problems.

The researchers benchmarked its performance against Frontier, the world’s leading supercomputer, adding that it took 6.18 seconds to match the computation of Google’s 53-qubit computer in 2019, according to The Telegraph. On the other hand, it added that it would take 47.2 years to match the latest. .

The researchers also claim that it beats recent demonstrations by a Chinese lab, one of the latest research teams to declare quantum supremacy.

The researchers report in their paper: “After estimating the required computational resources and achievable fidelity for improved classical methods, we conclude that our demonstration is firmly in the realm of beyond-classical quantum computing.”

According to The Telegraph, the experiment has been lauded in the research community, but questions remain about its practical utility. The practicality of quantum computing tasks is one of the major criticisms of previous quantum supremacy experiments. As an example, most people don’t need boson sampling or random circuit sampling any time soon, but they do need access to cheaper medicines.

Steve Brierley, chief executive of Cambridge-based quantum company Riverlane, told The Telegraph: The dispute over whether we have reached or could have reached quantum supremacy is now being resolved.

Sebastian Weidt, CEO of Brighton-based startup Universal Quantum, told the paper that quantum computers should aim for practical functions.

he said: “This is a very good demonstration of the advantages of quantum technology.” Academically, it is a great achievement, but the algorithms used are not of practical application in the real world. We really need to reach the age of practical quantum computing, where quantum computers with thousands of qubits will start delivering value to society in ways that classical computers could never achieve.

It is hoped that these more esoteric experiments will eventually lead to instruments and practices that will lay the foundation for more practical computations.




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