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Balan Wonderworld by Sonic Co-Creators gets an extended introductory video showing its magical world



After the release of Balan Wonderworld, Square Enix has released an expanded video that introduces the world, characters and creators.

Released on July 23, 2020 Giuseppe Nelva

After the Balan Wonderworld was unveiled at the Xbox Game Showcase pre-show, Square Enix has released an expanded video that introduces the world, characters and creators.

Sonic and Nights co-authors Yuji Naka and Naoto Oshima have improved several members of the development team to listen and showcase many of the ongoing assets of the game during gameplay. ..

Of course, they also talk extensively about Balan Wonderworld’s philosophy and design.

Check out the video below.

For more details, see the official description from the press release.

“When you enter a quirky and strange land through a mysterious theater, you play the roles of Leo and Emma, ​​embarking on an adventure like no other. Guided by a mysterious maestro called Balan, they’re in Wonder World. You need to navigate and restore happiness and balance all the hearts and minds you encounter here.

Players will discover over 80 extraordinary costumes as they travel through various unique environments within Wonderworld. Costumes change the appearance of Leo and Emma, ​​giving them a wide range of fantastic powers to overcome obstacles in their path and discover exciting new ways to play. The possibilities are endless when you defeat enemies, walk in the air, freeze time and manipulate objects of all kinds with the costumes you collect!

BALAN WONDERWORLD is a famous talent in the game industry, including director Yuji Naka (Sonic the Hedgehog franchise creator, Team Sonic co-founder), character designer, Naoto Oshima (Sonic the Hedgehog, Doctor Eggman, Team Sonic co-founder). Is a whole new experience by. ). A collaboration between Yuji Naka and Naoto Oshima for the first time in 20 years, this is the first game of the newly established BALAN COMPANY game brand. The Balun Company brings together talented video game developers, visual artists and composers to tell the best stories and deliver the ultimate platformer experience. “

Balan Wonderworld will be available in spring 2021 on all platforms (PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One, switches, and PCs) that basically have a chip and screen. Supports smart delivery on the Xbox platform.

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