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How Nonprofit Apparo Uses Technology to Help Others Extend Impact


CHARLOTTE Meet Apparo, a non-profit non-profit, as listed on the website.

But the point is: Its mission is to help others get the most out of their technology.

Charlotte started in 2002 as a non-profit organization in the NPower Charlotte area. But ten years later, it moved to its current non-profit model and renamed our organization to Apparo, which means it’s offering in Latin.

Recently, the group is actively raising its profile. WRAL TechWire recently had the opportunity to learn more. Here’s what they had to say:

What is Apalo’s mission?

Aparo transforms communities and improves lives by connecting non-profit organizations in the Charlotte area with technology expertise and resources to expand their influence. We provide free, low-cost technology advice, education, and solutions through our staff and local corporate volunteers. In the technology sector of a company, we help companies achieve their social responsibility goals and help nonprofits improve better Charlotte effectiveness.

What is a “secret source” that makes working with Apparo unique/different?

Strongly rooted in both the non-profit and corporate worlds, we act as the coveted Pro Bono Bridge. We ensure that no one gets lost in the corporate or non-profit statement, the project stays within scope, corporate volunteers enjoy the experience, and non-profits receive practical and sustainable advice and solutions. Guarantee. Nearly 100% of our volunteers want to appreciate their employers as they give them the opportunity to work with us again and participate in skill-based volunteer work.

What strengths does Apparo have from managers to workforce, intellectual property and expertise? This has created an organization where donors and clients want to work together.

With a unique model, a $1 funding to Apparo brings nearly $2 or more in value to more than one Charlotte nonprofit each year. We leverage the technical skills of our own staff and corporate volunteers to tackle business processes and technical issues that would otherwise be unresolved. We leverage strong and trusted relationships with corporate partners and technology vendors to provide services that nonprofits can provide in the short and long term.

Tell us about the history of your organization (who, when, where and why).

Apparo started in 2002 as NPower Charlotte Region. In 2012, it moved to its current non-profit model and was renamed to Apparo, an organization meant to deliver in Latin. Major milestones:

2008 – Launched Technology Innovation Award, now Mission Possible: The Economic Opportunity Award, with nonprofit and Accenture.

2011 – Work on IT coaching and community impact projects for nonprofits has begun.

2012 – Launches the CIO Insights series, which engages in the technology space of hundreds of companies each year.

2010-We launched Simplicity’s first non-profit class, now GAIN’s non-profit accelerator

2019-We Founded TechExec Community Impact Award

Is sustainability important to Aparos’s mindset and why?

Sustainability is important to Apparo and the non-profit organizations and businesses we serve. When volunteers spend valuable time and skills, and when nonprofits spend valuable time working behind the scenes, the work they do together produces results that last longer than they do. Is very important. The fact that 88% of the solutions we provide to non-profit organizations have persisted for over two years. Nonprofit resources are thin and their time and effort cannot be wasted digging rabbit holes and exploring complex solutions. We provide the resources they can work to prosper and enhance their ability to carry out their duties over time.

The pace of technology change continues to increase. How does Apparo adapt and stay ahead of the waves?

The brightest hearts of our community and our deep relationships with the smartest technology leaders keep us ahead of the game. Our team of corporate volunteers and CIO hosts (Charlotte CIO, who gives us time to attend Apparo events and provides other support and guidance) provide generous support for our work.

Recruiting is a challenge facing most organizations today with low unemployment and high demand for specific skill sets. How do you compete for talent? How do you maintain your talent?

Our corporate culture is truly unique, which helps us to attract and retain talent. Our leadership fosters self-awareness and self-leadership. The cornerstone of our success is an organization’s agreement on a set of “rules of engagement” that provide a roadmap for working together to advance the mission. They help ensure healthy work relationships and team effectiveness We know that salaries do not always win in a bid war.

Why do you do business in Charlotte?

The Charlotte corporate community has a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility. We are proud to work with them as a service partner. In addition, Charlotte is one of the major technology cities in the United States, so implementing a model here makes sense.

Non-profit Aparo announces Impact Awards to honor Charlotte’s technology hero

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