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Google 2020 summer internship for 3 months


Applications are invited to apply for the Google Summer Internship 2020. The Google Summer Code Internship for international students of worldwide. Maximum $ 6000 An allowance will be given and Minimum $ 3000 An allowance will be granted for 3 months.

The Google internship is open to all students who are pursuing undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs and current university students are eligible to apply who are above 18 years old.

All participants from around the world with any nationality are eligible for the Google 2020 internship. If your idea is good enough, the organization will select you and you will be assigned a mentor and will work under that mentor for 03 months. Once completed, you will receive an allowance and a certificate.

Details of Google’s 2020 summer internship

  • Host organization: Google
  • Duration: 3 months (summer 2020)
  • Treatment: Max: $ 6000 and minimum $ 3000
  • Deadline: March 31, 2020

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About Google’s summer internship code

Spend your summer vacation writing code and learning open source development while earning an allowance.

Accepted students work with a mentor and are part of the open-source community. Many become open source developers for life.

It is a distance learning internship (working from home). All development takes place online; there is no need to travel as part of the program.

Google internship dates

The Google summer internship will run from May 18, 2020 to August 10, 2020. During this time, students will work on their projects with mentors.

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Benefits of the Google Summer Internship

  • It is a fully paid internship for international students.
  • Minimum 3000 USD allocation and Maximum 6000 USD allocation depending on your country.
  • Working with large international companies
  • Get certificates at the end.

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Eligibility criteria

  • All international students from any country are eligible.
  • University students of baccalaureate, master's and doctorate. can request it.
  • Age must be above 18 years.

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How it works?


Students contact the mentoring organizations they want to work with and write a project proposal for the summer. If accepted, students spend a month integrating into their organization before coding begins. Students then have three months to code, respecting the deadlines agreed with their mentors.


Open source projects need to be mentor organizations. Once accepted, the organizations discuss possible ideas with the students, then decide on the proposals they wish to supervise for the summer. They provide mentors to guide each student through the program.


Existing contributors with organizations can choose to sponsor a student project. Mentors and students work together to determine the appropriate milestones and requirements for the summer. Interaction with mentors is an essential part of the program.

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The last date to apply for the Google Summer Internship 2020 is March 31, 2020

How to register

You must apply online for the Google Summer Internship 2020. The link to the online application and the official website is shown below in Red color

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