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All you want from Google Pixel 9 is reliable battery life

All you want from Google Pixel 9 is reliable battery life



Over the past few years, smartphone functionality has gotten out of control. From foldable displays to advanced camera operations, the average device has enough features to last even the most experienced users for extended periods of time. However, there is one feature that trumps them all. Battery life is so important that you literally can't use your smartphone without it.

Unfortunately, Google hasn't thought that way in recent years, depriving its Pixel lineup of enough battery power to compete with other options on the market. The worst part is that battery life isn't always bad for everyone using a Pixel smartphone or in all situations. Unlike many other smartphones, this means you can't rely on constant battery drain.

That's why, with the Pixel 9 coming this year, Google has a real chance to right years of mistakes that may have been alienating users. After all, the likes of Samsung, OnePlus, and even Motorola are better when it comes to battery life, so why can't Google keep up?

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The Pixel's battery stability issues have been well known for years, but this is extremely frustrating considering the battery size is actually quite good compared to the competition. In fact, between the similarly sized Samsung Galaxy S24 (4000 mAh), Asus Zenfone 10 (4300 mAh), and Pixel 8, Google's device has a significantly larger battery at his 4575 mAh.

So why does battery life suck? We can't say for sure until we're at Google, but it's probably due to the Pixel lineup's lax approach to battery optimization. It is thought that it is. Specifically, it doesn't interrupt background processes for apps on your device as aggressively as other devices. This may result in fewer background operations being interrupted unexpectedly, which in itself is a good thing, but in the long run it can have a noticeable negative impact on standby battery life.

Looking on the other side of the fence, iPhones have always had smaller batteries than the average Android smartphone, and battery life is often better than Android smartphones with similar hardware. This comparison isn't entirely fair, and there needs to be a more nuanced discussion on this topic, but the point is that incredible battery life can be achieved through careful synergy of hardware and software. That's something Google should be in a position to achieve with a semi-custom Tensor chipset created in collaboration with Samsung.

Unfortunately, even 3rd generation Google Tensor chips can't seem to resolve the discrepancy, regardless of battery size. Many users have reported that their devices heat up when used with poor mobile connectivity, which significantly drains battery life. Sure, our Pixel 8 review found it to be better than its predecessor, but other Android devices in its price range have a longer lifespan than Tensor-powered phones, and as expected. Operating temperatures are often low.

Since the Tensor chip is primarily based on the Samsung Exynos chip and also has an Exynos modem, many people blame Samsung's lackluster quality for many of the problems, and Google has decided to build a completely custom chip. I'm looking forward to making the switch. After all, Samsung itself is clearly not satisfied with the work of its foundries, and last year Samsung stopped equipping his Galaxy S23s with its own Exynos chips around the world.

But we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Samsung has switched to his new Exynos 2400 chip in many regions for the Galaxy S24 this year, but critics overseas say that if you use a device running Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 or Exynos 2400, you won't notice much in your daily life. We note that there is little visible performance difference.

Rumor has it that Google plans to switch to an Exynos 2400-based design with its upcoming Tensor G4, which is expected to arrive in the Pixel 9 this year. This doesn't necessarily make sense, but we can only hope that the processor and modem are more efficient than previous versions and provide more reliable battery life in the process. And there's more to look forward to. Google is rumored to be switching to a completely custom chip in his Pixel 10 made at TSMC's foundry next year, which could bring further performance and battery improvements to the lineup.

Give people what they want Battery life is the most important feature for smartphone users

Cell phones have been around for decades, but battery life has always been an issue. Whether he's an '80s businessman plugging a shoe-sized device into his car to charge it, or a Gen Z influencer asking the bartender if there's a charger next to his maraschino cherry or blue cheese olive. , it's difficult for people. People who use smartphones with poor battery life.

Given how obvious an issue this is, Google's refusal to address it makes even less sense. While anecdotal evidence shouldn't influence large companies one way or another, there are plenty of studies, surveys, and statistics that show the value of prioritizing battery life. A survey by Statista found that 71% of users consider battery life to be the most important feature, even more so than durability (61%) or camera quality (48%).

You might think that Google is more focused on affordability than battery life, but you'd be wrong. In fact, Google has been increasing the prices of its low-end devices for years, and if it's not careful, it could push Pixel prices out of the low-end market. Improving battery life might make up for it, but Samsung is churning out more affordable phones with 5000mAh batteries like it's a job, so there's no way Google could catch up. It's hard to believe it's possible.

Related Google is raising its own prices out of the budget smartphone market Despite competitive pricing across the industry, Google continues to raise prices on its Pixel A series.

In any case, the truth is that the Pixel lineup simply hasn't kept up with the industry as far as battery life is concerned and can't make a phone last more than a day, making buyers look elsewhere. It's just a matter of time. The Pixel 9 has to be Google's saving grace.




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