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Midwest shows growth for DigitalAllure as Google chooses Kansas City for data center

Midwest shows growth for DigitalAllure as Google chooses Kansas City for data center


After the Kansas City Chiefs won this year's Super Bowl for the second year in a row, team owners the Hunt family scored another big win this month. This earned Google a commitment to build a $1 billion data center.

The facility, planned for the Hunt Midwest Business Center in Kansas City, will be Google's first data center in Missouri. It's a decision that underscores the Midwest's growing attractiveness for cloud computing service providers poised for growth driven by artificial intelligence.

Real estate brokerage Cushman & Wakefield this week named Kansas City the No. 1 emerging market in its report on global data centers. This was followed by Milan, Italy. Nashville, Tennessee. Osaka, Japan and Iowa.

The report acknowledged that Northern Virginia is the world's top established data center market, but pointed to Kansas City's vast available square footage and potential energy sources as reasons for its rise.

The development of the Hunt Midwest Business Center will nearly double the potential investment of $575 million that Google confirmed late last month in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The tech giant's largest data center is already in Council Bluffs, Iowa, where it has invested about $5 billion since 2007. The company also has a data center in Papillion, Nebraska, and a $600 million project is poised to move forward in Lincoln, Nebraska. Approximately 580 acres.

Our data center in Council Bluffs, Iowa, is one of our largest data centers to date. (Google)

Google has companies investing in digital hubs in the Midwest. Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is building an $800 million, 1 million square foot data center in Kansas City's Golden Plains Technology Park. Meta also has his two-building campus in Altoona, Iowa.

Data center developers are also targeting conversion to office campuses in the Midwest. Compass Data Centers, located in the Chicago suburbs, is one of the area's largest office complexes, converting Sears' longtime headquarters into a 200-megawatt data center campus. One megawatt is enough to power approximately 200 homes for a day.

Google's decision to locate its new data center campus in the Hunt Midwest Business Center is the culmination of long-term vision and sustained teamwork from numerous strategic partners at all levels, developer Hunt said. Midwest President and CEO Ora Reynolds said in a statement. . Hunt Midwest is one of a series of companies owned by the Hunt family that span the Chiefs football franchise, the FC Dallas professional soccer team, the energy sector and private equity.

Google chose the Midwest location for its combination of energy infrastructure, developable land, and available workforce, the company announced publicly.

Mike Bell, Hunt Midwest's senior vice president of commercial real estate, said in an interview with Coster News that as the eastern and western U.S. mature and land and power deplete, the region becomes a more attractive alternative data center market. He said it had become.

Power consumption is important for data centers, and some critics have expressed concerns about unlimited demand. For example, Georgia is considering ending tax breaks for data center construction, but opponents say the move would halt the robust development of new data centers in the state.

The Kansas City project is the culmination of six years of collaboration between Hunt Midwest and Google, Bell said.

Hunt Midwest Business Center is a 2,500-acre business park that is home to more than 68 companies from a variety of industries.

Bell said he believes there were multiple factors in Google's decision. One is that other parts of the country are filling up. And secondly, and more importantly to them and others, he is located in the geographic center of the United States.

Bell acknowledged the acceleration of AI in computing and said other companies want to get closer to it, so Google could create synergies as it enters the market.

Hunt Midwest has developed an underground data center campus in Kansas City, Missouri. (co-starring)

Hunt Midwest Business Center offers both above- and below-grade development options. The SubTropolis Technology Center is a former underground mining operation in Hunt Midwest transformed into a purpose-built data center campus.

Bell said Google's planned data center will have 2 million square feet underground, and the company could expand there once above-ground development is complete.

Google's data centers represent a significant investment in the company's innovation and cloud computing business. Data centers help power popular digital services like Google Docs, Maps, Search, and Gmail.

The company is partnering with Ranger Power and DE Shaw Renewable Investments to provide 400 megawatts of carbon-free energy to support data center operations. This is enough power capacity to fuel 750 homes at once.

Monique Picou, Google's global vice president of cloud supply chain and operations, said in a statement: “We are at a critical inflection point for innovations like AI, and data centers are at the root of this progress.” Stated.

Google is ramping up investment in data centers to prepare for AI and reduce costs by improving the efficiency of its technology infrastructure. The largest portion of the $11 billion in capital spending in the fourth quarter was for servers, followed by data centers.

The fourth quarter reflects our outlook on the extraordinary applications of AI and the long-term growth opportunities it provides for users, advertisers, developers, cloud customers and governments around the world. Google's parent company, Alphabet, reported in its year-end 2023 report. Earnings calls. In 2024, we expect to see investment in the following areas: [capital expenditures] It will be significantly larger than in 2023.

According to real estate firm JLL's recent North American Data Center Report, consumers and businesses are expected to generate twice as much data in the next five years as they did in the past 10 years. This growth creates a need for more data centers and more energy efficient designs and locations.

JLL says the need for more electricity means operators will need to work with local governments to find sustainable energy sources.

Google's Kansas City project is expected to be powered by the Missouri-based Beavertail solar farm. The deal supports Google's 2030 goal of running all data centers and campuses on carbon-free energy.




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