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Avid to Deliver New Technologies Using AI and Third-Party Integrations to Accelerate Production Workflows at NAB 2024

Avid to Deliver New Technologies Using AI and Third-Party Integrations to Accelerate Production Workflows at NAB 2024


At NAB Show 2024, Avid will debut a wide range of software products and solutions that empower the world's leading video and audio media creators in television, film and news with enhanced collaboration and open, integrated workflows.

Avid CEO Wellford Dillard explains: “The industry is proud to share how we continue to drive innovation that enables our customers to stay ahead of the constant demand for content and proactively transforms the way they meet the challenges of producing premium content for news. I was looking forward to sharing with you.'' Sports, TV, Movies.

Share Avid's vision for the future of media production

Visitors to corporate booth #SU2014 will experience the Avids Inspiration Station, offering open sessions that demonstrate the art of the possible while showcasing Avids' future vision for media production.

These sessions, held hourly throughout Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, will introduce Avid Ada AI-powered tools to accelerate creative workflows across a wide range of media production use cases. In this session, learn how Avids Alliance Partners are extending the capabilities of Avids' craft editing tool Media Composer with API-powered workflows, including “Edit First Lenses” with Haivision, First Mile, and Marquis. I will also explain. Daily updates with Autodesk Flow Capture. Lightweight asset management with ioMoVo. Ingest and archive with Spectra Logic. His VFX using Doom solutions. and integration with Storage DNA.

Collaborative news production from anywhere, from idea to audience

Avid introduces its latest innovations in MediaCentral, a comprehensive, digital-first, end-to-end news production solution. New features include enhanced browser-based editing with audio waveforms, more powerful search tools, Blueprint Builder for workflow planning, Rundown app enhancements, and new AI enhancements with his Avid Ada. Masu. Avid will also demonstrate end-to-end workflows using MediaCentrals' planning and collaboration app, his MediaCentral Newsroom Management, which spans article creation, writing, review and approval, and publishing to digital and social channels.

stream io

The latest release of Avids software-based ingest and playout solution Stream IO will also be demonstrated. Ideal for production teams moving from SDI to IP and looking to leverage cloud and hybrid workflows, Stream IO supports a wide range of formats from low-resolution proxies to UHD with 2-, 4-, and 8-channel ingest Support in configuration. And play out. Stream IO features added support for playlist creation within the web-based interface, expanded on-screen display options, and improved resiliency with the addition of RaidZ1 storage protection.

Increase creativity with the power of AI with Avid Ada

For more than a decade, Avid has delivered innovative adaptations of AI technology that accelerate creativity and improve efficiency, and at NAB 2024, the company's technology roadmap now supports Learn how we are accelerating new applications of AI to unlock new intelligence. loop approach.

The demo will show how Avid Ada harnesses the power of AI technology to automate audio-to-text transcription, summarization, and language translation. It also includes a number of AI-powered tools already in Avid solutions today, including his PhraseFind AI and ScriptSync AI in Avid Media Composer, face detection and scene recognition in Avid MediaCentral, as well as transcription services and recommendation engines. We will also introduce a preview.


Also, a demo showing how journalists editing in the web-based MediaCentral Cloud UX can create a script, record a voiceover to a timeline, and ask an AI service to identify relevant footage that matches selected sections of an article. will also be held.

Create compelling stories faster

Avid will introduce Media Composer's latest features and demonstrate its open, collaborative, and efficient workflows. The Innovation Demo will showcase Avid's upcoming SaaS-based collaboration tools. This allows you to conduct virtual editing sessions from anywhere and enables real-time collaboration with Microsoft Teams. In addition, new workflow integrations with third-party solutions such as Autodesk Flow Capture and Doom Solutions are enabled by the latest Media Composer panel SDK (software development kit).

Innovative sound for image workflows

Visitors to the booth will learn how Avid Pro Tools continues to lead the audio postproduction market with enhanced capabilities for interaction, rerecording, ADR, and mixing, along with previews of several new features, including: You can take a look.

ARA integration for essential audio post plugins such as iZotope RX, Synchro Arts VocAlign, and Sound Radix Auto Align Dropbox Replay and Pro Tools integration to speed up review and approval workflows Best-in-class, including Dolby Atmos live re-rendering Immersive audio workflows in Pro Tools Take advantage of Pro Tools' internal renderer Dialog workflow enhancements such as track markers, memory locations Save Pro Tools sessions as Media Composer compatible files with sample-accurate volume and pan information, markers, and more Pro Tools Drag and drop sessions directly into the Media Composer bin

Avid Nexis has enhanced storage support for audio production, allowing multi-room facilities to work more seamlessly between rooms. When combined with Avid's latest audio interface MTRX II and Avid control surfaces, Avid solutions continue to provide the fastest and most fluid workflow for scaling audio posts.

Enabling open Avid workflows throughout NAB Show 2024

Avid's commitment to openness enables hundreds of partners and developers to offer integrations that extend and optimize customers' workflows. In addition to third-party integrations with Media Composer, Avid also introduces third-party apps available on the MediaCentral news platform, including:

AI-driven transcript and caption creation and language translation from Traco and Digital Nirvana Proxy workflows and high-resolution file transfer with Avid Edit On Demand “lens-to-first edit” integration with Sony and Marquis Users can socialize Incorporate Media You can incorporate X.News content into your story creation and synopsis.

Avid partners will also be showcasing the workflows possible with the Avid platform across the NAB show floor, including Aveco (studio automation), SwXtch and Glookast (remote cloud editing), and more. At Avid, we're proud to work with so many great partners who help our customers operate more efficiently and be more creative.

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