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UK agritech center to launch in April

UK agritech center to launch in April


Indro Mukerjee, CEO of Innovate UK, announced the UK Agritech Center, the UK's largest agritech organization tasked with driving innovation in this sector. This follows an announcement last September that his three existing agritech centers would join forces to create a new integrated function.

The agritech centers to be merged are:

Center for Agricultural Engineering, Precision and Innovation (Agri-EPI) Crop Health and Protection (CHAP) Center for Livestock Innovation Excellence (CIEL)

National and international voice The UK Agritech Center will be the national and international voice of agritech innovation in the UK.

The center will:

Expand access to agritech opportunities, foster development and business growth, and help the sector reach new heights

This will provide strategic leadership, address challenges, identify new opportunities and accelerate the adoption of agritech solutions for farmers and producers across the UK.

The center has core funding from Innovate UK and will be led by CEO Phil Bicknell and a newly appointed executive team.

World-class facilities and expertise At a launch event held today at the Midlands Agritech Innovation Hub, Harper Adams University in Newport, Indro Mukerjee, CEO of Innovate UK, said: “As the UK's innovation agency, Innovate UK is committed to supporting innovative businesses,” particularly those of start-ups and small businesses.

Agritech is an important sector with potential for further development, with a 40-fold increase in the number of startups and record levels of private capital invested over the past decade.

The establishment and launch of the UK Agritech Center will be an important step in developing that potential, supporting agritech businesses to start up, scale up and develop internationally. ”

“Agritech is a lifeline for the planet and people,” said Stella Peace, Executive Director of Healthy Living and Agriculture, “Agritech is a lifeline for the planet and people.

The establishment of the UK AgriTech Center is a pivotal moment for the UK, with an opportunity to make a huge impact on the sector and the UK economy.

For those who lead and work at the Center, this is an opportunity to pioneer a new era of innovation and impact. ”

Dr Peter Quinn, Chair of the Board of UK AgriTech Center, said: “Becoming a UK AgriTech Center will enable us to innovate quickly to solve growing challenges in our food system in the long term. will improve,” he said. .

The challenges ahead will require a technology pipeline of innovative solutions and applications to combat climate change and feed a growing global population.

The establishment of a new UK Agritech Center is an important step towards ensuring future food security.

One of the big benefits of the new center is that it brings together top talent with multidisciplinary expertise from all fields, working together to develop and deploy new technologies.

We combine deep scientific and technical expertise with general business acumen to commercialize innovations and increase market adoption across the agrifood sector. ”





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