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New metasurface innovation enables precision control of wireless signals

New metasurface innovation enables precision control of wireless signals


a Metasurface model. b Rotation of the unit cell controlled for polarization conversion function. c Space controlled by blue DC motor for beam scanning function.Credit: Microsystems and Nanoengineering

Researchers have announced technology that advances the field of wireless communications. This state-of-the-art design, called a reconfigurable transmission metasurface, leverages the synergy of scissor and rotation actuators to independently manage beam scanning and polarization conversion. This introduces an innovative approach to improving signal strength and efficiency within wireless networks.

Reconfigurable metasurfaces are transforming wireless communications by tuning electromagnetic (EM) wave properties such as amplitude, phase, and polarization. These planar arrays enhance wave control and enhance features such as polarization conversion and beam scanning. Polarization conversion changes the polarization state of electromagnetic waves, and beam scanning allows for direction adjustment of electromagnetic waves.

These advances are key to improving image sensing, high-resolution imaging, radar systems, and communications efficiency, especially in scenarios with multiple polarization states and non-line-of-sight propagation. Traditional metasurfaces are important in matching wave direction and polarization, but often struggle with independent control, limited scanning range, and cost-effectiveness.

Researchers at Chuo University have developed a metasurface that addresses a common limitation by allowing the direction and polarization state of a beam to be manipulated independently. The technology, announced in Microsystems & Nanoengineering, advances wireless communications and sets the stage for high-resolution imaging, radar systems, and significant improvements in communication efficiency.

This metasurface integrates two new actuators: a scissor actuator to adjust the spacing between unit cells and a rotation actuator to change the orientation of the unit cells. This dual-action mechanism allows the metasurface to seamlessly switch between different polarization states (right-handed and left-handed circularly polarized light) and direct the beam over a wide range without the limitations found in traditional systems.

The innovation lies in the ability to perform these functions independently, which significantly increases the efficiency and strength of the wireless signal. This study confirmed the functionality of the metasurface through a comprehensive series of analytical, numerical, and tests, demonstrating that the beam can be scanned over a range of 28° at an operating frequency of 10.5 GHz.

Principal investigator Sungjun Lim said, “Our work represents an important advance in the manipulation of electromagnetic waves. By combining scissor actuators and rotational actuators, we have developed a meta-mechanical system in which beam scanning and polarization conversion can be independently controlled. surface, a feature that was previously difficult to achieve.

Metasurface technology promises to have a profound impact on many fields, increasing radar systems, wireless communications, high-resolution imaging, and environmental monitoring to unprecedented levels of efficiency and effectiveness.

Further information: Chhunheng Lor et al, Reconfigurable transmission metasurface combining scissor and rotational actuators for independent control of beam scanning and polarization conversion, Microsystems & Nanoengineering (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41378-024-00671-y

Provided by Institute of Aerospace Information, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Citation: New metasurface innovation enables precision control of wireless signals (April 22, 2024) from 2024 Retrieved April 22,

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