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Google fires more employees over internal protests

Google fires more employees over internal protests


Nine Google employees have been arrested protesting the tech giant's contract with the Israeli military. (Credit: Justice Speaks)

Google has completed its second round of layoffs related to anti-Israel protests that took place at its offices last week.

After protesters occupied Google's headquarters in New York, Seattle, and Sunnyvale, California, and staged a 10-hour sit-in on April 16, the company fired 28 employees the next day. More shots were fired this week following an investigation into the incident.

Google employees stage a sit-in at Google's headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. (Apartheid doesn't need technology / FOX News)

A total of 50 Google employees were fired from the company for participating in the sit-in, according to No Technology for Apartheid, an activist campaign led by tech workers behind the protests.

In a blog post, No Tech for Apartheid claimed that some of the fired Google employees were “bystanders who did not participate in last week's protests.”

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Google confirmed in a statement to FOX Business on Tuesday that the company has fired additional employees related to the demonstrations, claiming that those fired were participants.

Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. (Marlena Sloss/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Getty Images)

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“We continue to investigate the physical disturbance in our building on April 16th, and we are unable to identify any of our colleagues who were affected by the physical disturbance or whose identities were partially obscured, including by the wearing of masks.” “We took the time to review additional details provided by the employee, who was not wearing a badge while engaged in the disruption,” a Google spokesperson said.

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“The investigation into these incidents has now concluded and we have terminated the employment of additional employees found to have been directly involved in the subversive activities,” the statement continued. “Again, all of those whose employment was terminated were personally and conclusively involved in vandalism within the building. We have carefully reviewed and reaffirmed this. ”

“Varney & Co.” host Stuart Varney praised Google for firing disruptive employees for anti-Israel protests.

After a sit-in on April 16, several protesters occupied the office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kuriant and read out a list of demands before being arrested. These included Google cutting ties with Israel and canceling the $1.2 billion Project Nimbus contract. Cloud computing and artificial intelligence services to the Israeli government.

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It claims there is no technology for apartheid and that the Israeli military will use Google's technology for “genocidal means.”

Google has denied that the Nimbus program is supporting Israel with weapons or intelligence, and protesters have acknowledged there is no evidence that the Nimbus program is being used against civilians in Gaza. .

Following last week's protests, Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai made it clear to employees that such disruptions in the workplace will not be tolerated. (Christoph Soeder/picture Alliance via Getty Images / Getty Images)

Following the protests and initial layoffs, Google CEO Sundar Pichai addressed the issue in a message to remaining employees, making it clear that such disruptions will not be tolerated.


“We have a vibrant, open culture of discussion that allows us to create great products and turn great ideas into action. It's important that we maintain that,” Pichai wrote. Ta. “But at the end of the day, we are a workplace, and our policies and expectations are clear. This is a business, and you should not disturb your colleagues, make them feel unsafe, or use the company as a personal platform.” This is not the place to fight over destructive issues or debate politics. ”




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