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FCC votes in favor of restoring net neutrality.what it means to you

FCC votes in favor of restoring net neutrality.what it means to you


Net neutrality is coming back. On April 25, the Federal Communications Commission voted to reinstate net neutrality rules that were rescinded under former President Donald Trump. The five-person committee passed resolution 3-2 along party lines.

The vote reinstates protections established in 2015 that treat broadband as a utility, like water or telephone, rather than an information service. Most importantly, it means that all Internet traffic must be treated equally. Internet service providers cannot make websites slower or faster based on whether your favorite girlfriend website pays extra to prioritize traffic.

“In today's digital economy, we need to create a national net neutrality policy that makes clear that our nation's communications experts have the ability to act when it comes to broadband,” FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said at Thursday's committee meeting. I think it should be.” “This is good for consumers, it's good for public safety, it's good for national security.”

Democrats in Washington have repeatedly tried to restore net neutrality protections over the years, including through an executive order urging the FCC to act, but the commission has been reduced by one member and President Joe's majority has been reduced to two. 2 had reached a stalemate. Biden takes office as president. But in October, the Senate voted to confirm Democrat Anna Gomez as a commissioner. Around the same time, Rosenworcel developed a proposal for new net neutrality rules (very similar to the old ones). These rules were put up for a vote after the FCC solicited comments and feedback for several months.

“Broadband is a telecommunications service and should be regulated as such,” Justin Brookman, director of technology policy at Consumer Reports, said in a statement. “Whether it’s content throttling, junk or hidden fees, arbitrary pricing, deceptive advertising, or unreliable service, broadband providers can harm consumers without proper oversight. He has proven over the years that he does not hesitate to use his power to increase his profits.

In addition to restoring protections for throttling and prioritizing traffic to specific sites, the new proposal would designate broadband as a “common carrier” under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, allowing water, It is classified as an essential service, along with electricity and telephone services. The move would give the FCC more power over ISPs regarding things like outages and monopoly abuse, but some industry experts are skeptical about how much of an impact the changes will have.

“Like previous policy debates, this one will generate significant headlines and commentary.” [but] “It is unlikely that there will be a material change in how ISPs operate, and it is unlikely that there will be a material change in their revenues, margins or opportunities,” said former FCC chief of staff and communications industry analyst at New Street Research. List, Blair Levine said in a research note earlier this month. (Subscription required).

The FCC also highlighted other priorities in its April 3 statement, including monitoring internet outages, updating cybersecurity standards, and protecting consumer data from broadband companies.

As expected, the broadband industry rebounded.

Michael Powell, former FCC chairman and current CEO of the industry group NCTA (Internet & Television Association), said: “The FCC is moving forward with a backwards and unnecessary proposal, even though it is harmless.” Ta. “Reimposing coercive regulations will not only hinder network investment and innovation, but will also hinder the ability to build and maintain reliable broadband in rural and underserved communities,” the April 3 statement said. This would seriously jeopardize our nation's collective efforts to do so.”

On Thursday, Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr described net neutrality rules as a “power grab” and said, “The American internet has thrived in the absence of government command-and-control regulations dating back to the 1930s.” Ta.

The rule is widely expected to be challenged in court by industry groups, but courts have upheld the FCC's ability to regulate internet providers in the past. The last time net neutrality rules were enacted was in 2015, when the Supreme Court and the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit recognized that the FCC, as a public utility, has discretion to regulate broadband providers.




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