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Key insights for building a better innovation ecosystem in 2024

Key insights for building a better innovation ecosystem in 2024


Immerse yourself in the vibrancy of the neighborhood. Make apprenticeship programs welcoming. Foster direct connections. Celebrate your online community. Define your target audience. You get to tell your own story. A/B test!

These themes and more emerged as hundreds of people from across the country gathered at the Builders Conference in Philadelphia on May 9 to discuss growing startups, supporting entrepreneurship, developing the workforce and other elements of building a better innovation economy.

Sessions held throughout the day explored the forces driving regional innovation and encouraged commonalities in the name of progress.

In his keynote, CEO Chris Wink said, “Don't ask people why they believe something.” That puts them on the defensive. Ask them how they came to that belief.

In the age of independent media, finding common ground is not easy. In 1969, nearly one in five people alive had stopped what they were doing to watch the moon landing, Wink said. He pointed out an often overlooked milestone of this historic event:

That's when the term software engineer was coined.

Margaret Hamilton was a programmer who helped the various machines on the Apollo 11 rocket communicate with each other. That software ultimately saved the day, opening a way to save enough fuel that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin could take a module to the moon and still have enough gas to fly 250,000 miles home. It is now possible.

Before proof of concept, Wink said, software was considered administrative. It was considered a woman's job, more of a bookkeeping job than a world-building one. But as software evolved into the backbone of what most of us would call modern technology, Hamilton's terminology proved prescient.

This story served to set the stage for the three themes Wink presented at the conference. 1) Once something becomes familiar, it is no longer technology. 2) Entrepreneurs need housing more than taxation. 3) Who works is determined by how you work.

A panel discussion followed, kicking off a day of case studies and story sharing, workshops and networking, food and drinks, learning and fun.

Scroll down and click through the highlights of each session as documented in Slack by the team to read a detailed summary.

There is a mismatch between economic indicators (almost all positive) and sentiment (life sucks)

Keynote Panel: The Future of the Innovation Ecosystem: What's Changed and Where's It Going? Theresa Singleton, Federal Reserve Bank; Laura Plunkett, Comcast LIFT Labs; Troy Lemire Stovall, TEDCO; Kyle Samuels, Creative Talent Endeavors. Moderated by Christopher Wink,

Despite positive economic indicators such as increased entrepreneurship and rising wages, there is a disconnect between these statistics and people's actual experiences. Leaders need to better understand and address this disparity As many people increasingly prioritize work-life balance and quality of life over a higher salary, local boosters and corporate Leaders need to focus on these factors if they want to attract talent. Generative AI is becoming a fundamental tool in every field, so accelerating its adoption without creating barriers could be transformative.There is a huge opportunity to strengthen the technology workforce by investing in apprenticeship training and supporting recent immigrants and returnees.

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To hone your product, talk to as many people as possible and remember that it's the users who matter.

Startup Fishbowl: Product Market Fit Adeola Ajani, FemEquity. Nikisha Bailey, CoffeePLUG. Facilitator: Danya Henninger,

Founders often identify gaps in the market through personal experience and tailor their products to address those specific needs. A startup founder can leverage strategic partnerships to help educate her target audience. This is often important for building and growing your customer base. It's important to prioritize user experience over worrying about your competitors and to continually test and adjust your pricing strategy.

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VC reset allows quality deals to shine and makes it even more important for founders to be nice to people

Keynote Panel: Cheap Money Is Over: What's Changed and What Stays the Same About Entrepreneurship?Bob Moore, Crossbeam. Mr. Nasir Qadri, Zeal Capital Partners. McKeever Mac Conwell, Rarebreed Ventures, Crystal Berger, EBO. Sherrod Davis of EcoMap Technologies served as facilitator.

Recent changes in the venture capital landscape, where investments no longer flow easily, can be seen as a positive as it forces a focus on quality deals. Entrepreneurs now need to prioritize profitability and sustainability over aggressive growth, which encourages them to focus on their goals and objectives rather than simply trying to scale up. Masu. Building strong relationships is an even more important key to long-term entrepreneurial success. That means being kind to people.

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To increase employee engagement, learn the art of gathering together intentionally so your employees feel safe and creative.

Lightning Talk: What employee engagement strategies are working for you today?Hannah Marks, Discord (ex). Gabby Harvilla, Comcast. Rakia Elam, MDC. Alyssa Vasquez, Cultivated Dogfish. Barry Wright III, Highwire Improv, Noom. Facilitator: Carrie Brooke,

Leaders must focus on educating and caring for their staff and ensure that instructions are truly connected to the realities on the ground. Creating an atmosphere of psychological safety is critical to employee engagement and allows for creativity and honest communication. Managers must clearly define and communicate the purpose of the meeting, ensure that the meeting aligns with the company's mission, and allow for organic interaction.

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Build an inclusive innovation ecosystem, explore partnerships, improve quality of life, and practice relentless incrementalism.

Keynote Panel: What does building an inclusive ecosystem really mean? Maria Underwood goes to Birmingham. Charles Mansfield, Pittsburgh Innovation District. Danae Mobley, Philadelphia 1.Facilitator: Corey Bailey, Upsurge Baltimore

Successful ecosystem development focuses on quality of life and integrating founders into the community, ensuring that founders feel valued and see themselves as an integral part of the local innovation environment. so that it can be recognized. Building an inclusive ecosystem requires tracking data and embracing incremental progress (aka “relentless incrementalism”). Forming strategic partnerships can help you avoid duplication of effort and maximize your resources. Diversifying the innovation economy will help achieve overall digital equity and strengthen career pipelines for young people across the region.

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Will AI change the job market for better or worse? It all depends on how we use it. AI is great. AI plus humans, bad

Lightning Talk: Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat or Just a Technology? Andrew Gamino-Cheong, Trustible; Kimberly W. Klayman, Ballard Spahr. Munir Y. Mandviwala, Temple University; Tito Obaisi, Comcast. Facilitator: Alanah Nichole Davis,

The impact of AI on the labor market will depend on how well companies organize their practices and data. Generative AI is not necessarily bad for the workforce, but it depends on how people use it. AI is good. AI and humans [possibly] bad. To be legally secure, companies must quickly update customer contracts to reflect and account for potential AI uses.

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Founders say it's harder to raise money now, so they want to be able to tell their story

Startup Fishbowl: Funding Yasmine Mustafa, ROAR; Facilitated by Amit Singh, NearStar Fusion, Mike Ravenscroft of USM Maryland Momentum Fund

Funding is becoming more difficult as investors become more selective and demanding, requiring founders to present a compelling pitch and evidence of potential success. Maintaining relationships with investors is a balancing act. Efficient communication, such as monthly updates, allows you to keep investors informed without spending too much time. Gain valuable support and insight by engaging with the entrepreneurial community and joining peer groups.

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Keynote Panel: What's Working in Alternative Pipelines for Technology Talent? Jameel Rush, Google. Nicole Pumphrey, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce; Karen Douglas, Exelon; Dominic McPaul, Accenture.Facilitated by Accenture's Haniya Sharp Brown

It is essential that companies break the cycle of hiring from the same talent pool. Introducing new and diverse talent into the technology workforce requires innovative programs and early intervention. Alternative tech talent pipelines like the Philadelphia Apprentice Network can make a world of difference by providing support, autonomy, and financial stability. Fair measurement practices ensure equal opportunities for all participants and foster an inclusive culture where diverse talent can thrive.

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To become a cool tech hub, local leaders can build on their strengths, embrace their former weaknesses, and bring people together.

Lightning talk: How do innovation ecosystems talk about their strengths and adapt to their weaknesses?Deontee Gordon, Tech Birmingham. Zakiya Ali, Delaware State Technology Council; Tasia Malakasis, The Company Lab (CO.LAB); Ryan Toohill, Arlington Economic Development; Nick Smith, Sails AI. Facilitated by Nathan Ryan of Blue Sky Partners.

Identifying and leveraging unique regional characteristics can differentiate and strengthen regional technology ecosystems. It's important to honestly assess the strengths and weaknesses of your area. Comparative data analysis with peer regions can help guide growth strategies. Encouraging the creation of accelerators that nurture startups and foster innovation through collaborative problem solving is key to a strong ecosystem.

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For startups, word of mouth is just as useful as traditional marketing, but tracking metrics is still important

Startup Fishbowl: Sales and Marketing Amit Jain, MentoMind. Colin Fraser, Appling. Nic Esposito, Circa Tech — Facilitated by Danya Henninger,

Directly engaging with potential users and educators helps startups improve their products and build a loyal customer base. Not only is personal interaction and feedback important for evolving a company, but word of mouth is more effective than traditional marketing. Customized marketing efforts that track user acquisition costs and other metrics, whether in-house or through a professional company, are essential to effectively reach your target audience.

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