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Adding glue to pizza sauce, the “health benefits” of cigarettes

Adding glue to pizza sauce, the “health benefits” of cigarettes


Google's AI-generated search results have already been slammed as a disaster that “can no longer be trusted,” with critics pointing to bizarre responses such as recommending adding glue to pizza sauce and promoting the health benefits of cigarettes to children.

In the controversial feature, which critics claim poses a dire threat to traditional media, Google's chatbot automatically generates summaries for users' complex queries, while effectively demoting links to other websites.

The feature, called “AI Overview,” was rolled out to all users in the U.S. starting last week and is expected to reach more than 1 billion users by the end of the year, despite a series of blunders that undermine the chatbot's credibility. It is expected.

One widely circulated screenshot showed Google's AI's response to a query about cheese not sticking to pizza.

Tom Warren of The Verge called AI Overview's performance a “disaster.”

Google has responded by listing a few things you can try to prevent the issue.

According to Google's AI Overview, mixing cheese with sauce adds moisture to the cheese, making the sauce more likely to dry out. He also adds about 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue to the sauce to make it stickier.

Some users blamed the strange reaction on a Reddit post made 11 years ago by a user named Fksmith. That post answered the same question about cheese sliding off pizza, almost verbatim.

“Google's AI search results are terrible,” says Tom Warren, senior editor at The Verge tech blog. “It’s unfortunate that it has turned into a resource that can no longer be trusted.”

The pizza sauce tip is just one of many examples of AI Overviews' odd behavior that have been circulating on social media.

A survey conducted by the President of the United States at the University of Wisconsin-Madison yielded a series of wildly inaccurate information from Google.

According to the AI ​​summary, former President Andrew Johnson, who died in 1875, earned 14 degrees from the school and graduated by 2012.

An example posted by X user @havecamera returned results for the search “Health Benefits of Cigarettes for Teens.”

Google CEO Sundar Pichai attends the AIOverviews launch event last week. AP

Google's AI has declared that cigarettes contain nicotine, which can cause short-term effects such as increased alertness, euphoria, and relaxation.

They also claim that potential uses for tobacco include teeth whitening.

“There's nothing wrong with the structure of this AI summary, right?” quipped User X. To be clear, if you change this to “kids,” “children,” “teens,” or “preteens,” you'll get much better answers, but for some reason, this is a foul play.

A Google spokesperson said the examples we've seen are generally very unusual queries and not representative of most people's experience.

“The vast majority of AI Overviews provide high-quality information with links to dig deeper on the web,” the spokesperson added in a statement. “Our systems aim to automatically prevent content that violates our policies from appearing on AI Overviews. If we see content that violates our policies, we will take appropriate action.”

Google forced AI-powered search results on US users last week. X / @havecamera

Elsewhere, users pointed out that Google's AI appeared to be scrambled by searches that asked Google to convert 1,000 kilometers to the equivalent number of certain objects.

For example, when one user searched for “1000 km to Orange,” Google returned a strange answer.

One solution to the problem of transporting oranges 1,000 kilometers is to feed the horse 2,000 oranges at a time, one for each kilometer traveled, and sell the remaining 1,000 oranges at the market.

In another post, Google provided answers when users searched for ways to treat appendix pain at home, including using boiled mint leaves and a high-fiber diet.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are there any home remedies for appendicitis? Google AI suggests mint leaves, a user wrote.

Google includes a disclaimer in all of its AI overview posts stating that Generative AI is .

One user questioned why Google was offering home remedies for appendicitis pain.

The company said it has guardrails in its system to prevent harmful content from appearing in search results, and that AI summaries will not be used to search for explicit or potentially dangerous topics.

The AI ​​Overview mishap is just the latest sign that Google's chatbots may not be ready for primetime.

Critics have long warned that AI has the potential to spread misinformation rapidly without proper safeguards.

Earlier this year, Google came under heavy criticism after its Gemini chatbot AI image-generating tool began spitting out factually and historically inaccurate images, including of a black Viking and an Asian female Pope.

Google later disabled the feature completely and apologized.

As of Thursday, it had not yet come back online.




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