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Google search AI incorrectly determined that President Obama is a Muslim. Now it is hiding some search results.

Google search AI incorrectly determined that President Obama is a Muslim. Now it is hiding some search results.


New York CNN —

Google promised that its new artificial intelligence search tool would do the work for users, making it faster and easier to find information online, but just days after its release, the company is already walking back some of the inaccurate results.

Earlier this month, Google introduced its AI-generated search result summary tool, which summarizes search results so users don't have to click through multiple links to get quick answers to their questions. But the feature has come under fire this week for providing false or misleading information in response to some users' questions.

For example, multiple users on X posted that Google's AI summary states that former President Barack Obama is Muslim, which is a common misconception. In fact, Obama is Christian. Another user posted that Google's AI summary states that of the 54 recognized countries in Africa, not one begins with K, apparently forgetting Kenya.

Google confirmed to CNN on Friday that the AI-generated summaries for both searches had been removed for violating the company's policies.

Google spokesperson Colette Garcia said in a statement that the majority of AI summaries provide high-quality information with links to explore further on the web, adding that some other examples of Google AI failures have been due to image manipulation. “We conducted extensive testing before launching this new experience, and as with other features we've launched in Search, we appreciate your feedback, and we respond promptly where appropriate, in accordance with our content policies.”

At the bottom of Google's AI search summary, it states that its generative AI is , and the company says it runs tests designed to mimic potential bad actors to ensure that false or low-quality results don't appear in its AI summary.

Google's search overview is part of a larger effort to incorporate Gemini AI technology across all of the company's products to keep up in the AI ​​arms race with rivals like OpenAI and Meta. But this week's blunder shows that adding an AI prone to confidently making misinformation risks damaging Google's reputation as a trusted source for online information search.

Even for less serious searches, Google's AI summaries appear to sometimes provide incorrect or confusing information.

In one test, CNN asked Google how much sodium is in pickle juice, and the AI ​​summary responded that 8 fluid ounces of pickle juice contains 342 milligrams of sodium, while less than half that amount (3 fluid ounces) contains more than twice as much sodium (690 milligrams). (Best Made pickle juice sold at Walmart contains 250 milligrams of sodium in just 1 ounce.)

CNN also searched for data used for Google AI training, and in its response, the AI ​​brief acknowledged that it's unclear whether Google prevents copyrighted material from being included in the online data it collects to train its AI models, citing larger concerns about how the AI ​​company operates.

This isn't the first time Google has been forced to pull the plug on an AI tool over an embarrassing blunder: In February, the company suspended an AI photo generation feature that created images of people after it was criticized for generating historically inaccurate images, primarily of people of color rather than white people.

Google's Search Labs webpage allows users in regions where the AI ​​Search Overview is deployed to turn the feature on or off.




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