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Bipartisan Senate bill calls on NSF to strengthen AI and quantum education

Bipartisan Senate bill calls on NSF to strengthen AI and quantum education


The bipartisan Senate bill would allow the National Science Foundation to support AI resources for K-12 students and improve workforce skills, as well as award scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students studying artificial intelligence and quantum.

The NSF AI Education Act of 2024, introduced Thursday by Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), would support investments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education as part of an effort “to ensure that the United States is a leader in AI into the next century,” Moran said in a press release.

The bill would authorize the NSF to award fellowships and scholarships in the areas of AI and quantum education, as well as professional development fellowships. It would also allow the NSF to conduct an outreach campaign across the country to raise awareness of educational opportunities. The campaign would prioritize outreach to “rural and underserved areas,” according to a summary of the bill.

“Demand for AI expertise is already high and will continue to grow,” Cantwell said in a statement. “This bill will open the door to AI for students at all levels and advance workforce skills to spur American innovation entrepreneurship and advance solutions to some of our toughest global challenges.”

The bill also directs the NSF to publicly release a playbook for incorporating AI into K-12 classrooms, “taking into account rural and economically disadvantaged areas.”

The NSF would also be authorized to host a Grand Challenge for AI education and training, including a strategy to upskill 1 million U.S. workers in AI-related fields by 2028. The bipartisan Senate bill released earlier this month also mandates the NSF to run a Grand Challenge that would award $1 million in prizes for innovations in AI.

Moran and Cantwell's bill also calls for a related framework to “promote increased access to AI education and training” and “ensure rural America has the opportunity to benefit from artificial intelligence education and training.”

“Artificial intelligence holds great potential, but it will require a skilled and capable workforce to unlock its power,” Moran said. “If we want to fully understand AI and remain globally competitive, we must invest in the workforce of the future now.”

Author: Caroline Nihil Caroline Nihil is a reporter for FedScoop in Washington, DC, covering federal IT. Her coverage includes tracking the White House and Congress' governance of artificial intelligence, as well as modernization efforts across the federal government. Caroline was previously an editorial fellow at Scoop News Group and has written for FedScoop, StateScoop, CyberScoop, EdScoop, and DefenseScoop. She transferred from the University of Mississippi and earned her BA in Media and Journalism from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.




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