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Google's AI brief tells you to eat glue. (Don't eat it.)

Google's AI brief tells you to eat glue. (Don't eat it.)


Dogs playing in the NFL. Tips for changing your car's turn signal fluid. A suggestion to run with scissors to boost your immunity. These are just a few examples of what it's like to use Google's new AI summary feature, which is the first thing many of us see when we try to use the world's most popular search engine.

[Related: How to avoid AI in your Google searches.]

After years of (possibly illegal) industry domination, Google's name has become synonymous with internet search. But the company's increasingly controversial generative AI projects could quickly erase that reputation, especially with its AI Summary feature already available to many users. A new tool announced by Google earlier this month pitches AI Summary as a way to extract a wide range of websites and already publicly available (often copyrighted) content, explaining that it could reach a wider variety of websites to get answers to more complex questions.

But while AI Overview may get a lot of right answers when it's wrong, it's also apparently got it very wrong. The most talked-about example so far was Google's suggestion earlier this week to thicken pizza sauce with 1/8 cup Elmers glue, which sparked a flurry of jokes. Now, AI Overview appears to have picked up a (terrible) recipe hack from a decade-old joke on Reddit, with some pointing out that it was a mistake to train a large language model on Reddit posts (Google now pays the forum website $60 million a year to do the work).

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In a statement provided to The Verge and others, a Google spokesperson argued that ideas like slathering glue on pizza typically only appear when searching for highly unusual queries, and aren't representative of the experience of most people who use AI Overview. But setting aside the fact that searching Google for pizza sauce recipe tips isn't at all uncommon, the fact that there are already X accounts dedicated to highlighting hundreds of Google Enough AI Overview examples speaks to an ongoing problem.

Of course, some of the many bizarre claims — like President John Adams graduated from the University of Wisconsin 21 times, or that snakes are mammals, or that we make chlorine gas to clean washing machines — could just be edited fake images, and the fact that we can't tell the difference just speaks to the internet's larger existential problems. And even if some of Google's many ridiculous or downright dangerous AI proposals are true, and as Ars Technica shows, they claim it's just a system bug, that won't protect the company from an onslaught of legal challenges and lawsuits.

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Google promises that it is constantly working to improve its products, including AI Overview. In a statement provided to Ars Technica, a spokesperson said, “We conducted extensive testing before launching this new experience, and we will use these individual examples to refine our overall system.” It's unclear how long AI Overview will continue to show these incorrect answers, or whether such flaws are truly fixable. But in the meantime, at least Google has plenty of individual examples to use as learning experiences. And while they continue to work on refining these systems, there's still a way to disable AI in your own Google searches.




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