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Submitted photo Hermann High School student Corinna Lewis was recently named one of 55 state and territory winners in the 2024 Doodle for Google student competition.

ELKINS — Hermann High School student Corina Lewis was recently named one of 55 state and territory winners in the 2024 Doodle for Google student contest.

Lewis, a freshman at Hermann High School, submitted his surgeon-themed doodle to a contest open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade, where students across the U.S. could create their own version of the Google logo inspired by the theme, “My wishes for the next 25 years…”

“I am so proud of Corinna. She always does her best in art class and her pieces are always so creative and show great craftsmanship,” said Hermann High School art teacher Natalie Josimovich. “Corinna's doodle represents her desire to be a cardiothoracic surgeon and is an actual clay sculpture.”

Google will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2024. This year marks the 16th consecutive year of the Doodle for Google contest. The national winner of the contest will receive a $55,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology package for their school to establish or improve a computer lab or technology program.

Voting to determine the national winner begins May 22 and will run until June 4. To vote for Lewis, visit . The public vote will determine the competition finalists and ultimate winner.

Hermann High School student Corinna Lewis' doodle has been selected as one of 55 state and territorial winners in the 2024 Google Doodle Student Competition.

“It is unfortunate that the Randolph County Board of Education has made the decision to remove the arts program from Herman School, when we have such talented and dedicated students, as evidenced by Corina's first place winning entry in the Doodle for Google contest,” Josimovich said. “It is incomprehensible. Our students are entitled to art, music and everything else that other schools in the county have. The board's decision needs to be reconsidered.”

In April, a group of Herman High School students placed second in the “NO School Spirits PSA Contest” and were awarded a check for $2,500. Josimovich helped the group produce a video for the contest encouraging people not to drink and drive. Earlier this year, the Randolph County School Board voted to eliminate the fine arts program from Herman School.

Five national finalists for the Doodle for Google contest will be announced in late May, and one finalist's Doodle will be featured on the Google homepage for one day.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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