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What if Google apps looked beautiful on Android?

What if Google apps looked beautiful on Android?


The new Notifications tab added this week was a killer for me. The Google app on Android is in dire need of a redesign.

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The name suggests it should be the company's flagship app, but it isn't (I'd probably give that title to Google Photos, with its animated Material You carousel).

Let's start with the bottom bar in non-Material 3. Every other major first-party app has this bar, including the iOS Google app. The lack of consistency is just an eyesore at this point. The app briefly tested this bar, but then removed it for some reason.

The first thing users see is the Discover feed, but the top is dedicated to search. The Material 3 guidelines call for making the search bar a bit taller (see Gmail), but here the bar feels huge and disproportionate – it's trying to draw attention to something the user already knows.

Additionally, a carousel of identical pill-shaped buttons creates the impression of two nearly identical bars. The Google Lens and Hum to Search shortcuts are nice ideas, but they feel forced at this point.

Google is working on an alternative design for some of the search fields that looks much more integrated and compact. However, I wonder how it will fit with the bottom search field that was tested. The question here is whether Google will go ahead with a design that deviates from the look of Personally, I don't mind it at the bottom as long as it doesn't interfere with scrolling through the results.

Remember that after this first carousel there is another one, this one is part of Google Discover, which also appears above your feed on the left side of your home screen. These cards are similar to clock complications and are very useful for showing you the weather, air quality, sports scores, stocks, and upcoming sunrises/sunsets. However, you only see two of them without scrolling. A more compact design for what Google used to call “Your space” would look nice, like Google Now cards.

Looking at the rest of the bottom bar, I'd really like to know how many people use Saved. It's basically a web wrapper, so I'd use it more if it wasn't so hard to use. It's already deprecated in iOS apps. Meanwhile, Notifications has the same implementation issues.

The current Google app on Android feels old and patchwork, and the namesake application needs modernizing to fit in with everything else.

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