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Loral TechQuest winners from the UAE and Saudi Arabia advance to finals of Loral Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Programme in Singapore

Loral TechQuest winners from the UAE and Saudi Arabia advance to finals of Loral Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Programme in Singapore


You’re reading this now from Entrepreneur Middle East, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

Four local startups from the UAE and Saudi Arabia may compete in the grand final of the Loral Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program, the first open innovation competition for the beauty industry in the South Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa region, scheduled to be held in Singapore in October 2024 by French multinational Loral.

The four companies – Exponential Solutions (10xDS), Ahad, Yango Robotics and Aim Technologies – were announced as the winners of L'Oral TechQuest, a competition organized in partnership with AstroLabs for domestic startups in the UAE and Saudi Arabia to develop meaningful and forward-thinking beauty technologies for L'Oral Middle East.

Loral TechQuest served as the regional semi-final for the Loral Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Programme, identifying 535 startups and shortlisting 14, with four ultimately from the UAE and Saudi Arabia progressing to the next phase of the competition.

Exponential Solutions (10xDS) was recognized for its work on artificial intelligence (AI) in regulatory affairs, Ahad for its contributions in data fragmentation, Yango Robotics for advancements in warehouse optimization, and Aim Technologies for its innovative work in AI for social listening.

Olfa Messaoudi, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer at Loral Middle East, speaking at the final TechQuest event. Source: Loral Middle East

If selected to participate in the Looral Big Bang Beauty Tech Innovation Program Grand Finale, the four startups will have the opportunity to develop a beauty tech innovation pilot in one of five themes: consumer experience, content, media, new commerce, and social impact tech. Companies that successfully develop pilots in the region will also have the opportunity to collaborate with Looral globally.

In a statement about the program, Olfa Messaoudi, chief digital and marketing officer, Loral Middle East, said, “Loral's overarching purpose is to create beauty that moves the world and embrace technology as a catalyst for change. The Group has a tradition of pushing the boundaries of beauty innovation and continues to do so with ways and initiatives that hone entrepreneurial spirit and pioneering talent. At Loral TechQuest, we want to explore their agility, creativity and competitiveness to find beauty solutions that drive positive change. Startups in the UAE and Saudi Arabia will have the opportunity to shape the future of beauty technology in a supportive and dynamic environment.”

Roland Daher, CEO of AstroLabs, added: “We have always been committed to blending the agility of startups with the infrastructure and depth of incumbents to enable the transformation of key growing industries. L'Oreal TechQuest is a demonstration of this commitment, providing regional startups with rapid access and the opportunity to validate and accelerate their entry into the broader L'Oral ecosystem. Bridging this gap ensures that market innovations flow seamlessly into real-world applications for industry giants like L'Oral Middle East.”

Related: Dream big: Haifa Adas, founder of Dubai-based on-demand beauty service Instagram




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