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Google prepares to phase out Chrome extension Manifest V2 The Register

Google prepares to phase out Chrome extension Manifest V2 The Register


On Monday, some users using beta, development and canary builds of Google Chrome will see the warning when they visit the browser's extensions management page at chrome://extensions.

The banner will inform you that the legacy Manifest V2 browser extension will soon stop working.

These extensions include ad blockers and other content filters that rely on the Manifest V2 API. While most major ad blocker extensions more or less support Manifest V3, the successor to Manifest V2, there is still an argument that these filters will be at a disadvantage in version 3 once version 2 is no longer available.

Either way, users will be warned that V2 is scheduled for deprecation.

“We will be gradually disabling these extensions over the coming months,” David Lee, product manager for Chrome extensions, said in a blog post published on Thursday.

“Users will be directed to the Chrome Web Store and will be recommended Manifest V3 alternatives to the disabled extensions. For a short period after the extensions are disabled, users will have the option to turn the Manifest V2 extensions back on, but over time this toggle will disappear.”

A browser extension's manifest file is where a developer declares their extension's capabilities through the Chrome Extension API.

The transition from Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 has been in the works for at least five years. This transition allows browser extensions to take advantage of new APIs while removing older ones. Most notable in this transition is a blocking version of the webRequest API, used to intercept and modify network traffic before it is displayed. In Manifest V2, extension developers can use this to stop ads, trackers, and other content from appearing on a page, and to prevent certain scripts from running.

The new MV3 architecture reflects Google's professed desire to make browser extensions more performant, private, and secure, but the internet giant's efforts have met with fierce opposition from makers of privacy and content-blocking extensions, who argue that Chocolate Factory's new software architecture will make their privacy and content-filtering extensions less effective.

After several years of fighting, and concessions made by Google to disgruntled extension developers, the current MV3 version is generally recognized as better than what was originally proposed, but it doesn't fully address developer concerns or provide functionality equivalent to those that are being removed.

Li acknowledged the issue by noting how Google has responded by adding support for user scripts, support for off-screen documents with access to the DOM API, and increasing the ruleset for its declarativeNetRequest API (a replacement for webRequest) to 330,000 static rules and 30,000 dynamic rules. These rules can be used by ad blockers to filter out ads and other things for users.

Manifest V3 is currently supported to varying degrees by other browsers, including Edge, Firefox, and Safari, and by early 2025, Manifest V2 extensions will stop working once the API changes have been available for some time on the Chrome Stable channel.

Companies using the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy are exempt until June 2025.

According to Li, over 85% of actively maintained extensions in the Chrome Web Store support Manifest V3, and “all top content filtering extensions have Manifest V3 versions available, with options for AdBlock, Adblock Plus, uBlock Origin, and AdGuard users.”

For users of uBlock Origin running on Manifest V2, “optional” means using the less-featured uBlock Origin Lite, which supports Manifest V3.




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