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India Global Innovation Connect (IGIC) 2024 concludes; global experts outline technology, skilling and innovation as focus areas for government, industry and startups

India Global Innovation Connect (IGIC) 2024 concludes; global experts outline technology, skilling and innovation as focus areas for government, industry and startups


Photo Caption (Left to Right) – Dr Ekru Kaul, IAS Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Electronics and Information Technology, Biotechnology, Government of Karnataka; Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa of India; Claude Smadja, Chairman and Strategic Advisor to Smadja; Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Karnataka Digital Economy Mission (KDEM)

The third edition of India Global Innovation Connect (IGIC) 2024 concluded today in Bengaluru, where global and domestic industry leaders outlined technology, skilling and innovation as key focus areas for governments, industries and startups to bring about change in the coming years. The invitation-only event saw over 400 participants and featured an impressive line-up of leaders discussing various industry topics.

Day 2 of IGIC 2024 brought together key industry leaders including Indian and global startup founders, VCs & investors, corporate & government leaders, technology & public policy experts on one common platform. Leaders and industry experts interacted with the participants in various keynotes and panel discussions such as: Oncoming emerging technology trends, Biotechnology & Genomics: Navigating disruptions and seizing opportunities, Managing opportunities and challenges in the changing Deep Tech ecosystem, Intelligent use of intelligent technologies, Cracking the code of scale-up: Hear from people who have made it, Learning from 2023: Trends shaping the evolution of the VC/Startup ecosystem and their impact, Raising champions for the AI ​​revolution, and more.

What key industry leaders said on Day 2 of India Global Innovation Connect (IGIC) 2024:

Amitabh Kant, Sherpa, G20 India, said, “There is an urgent need to bridge the gap between industry demand and the available talent pool and augment the pool of skilled engineers in India, especially in areas where demand is high such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and cybersecurity. To address supply chain issues, the curriculum of many engineering colleges and IITs will need to be completely retooled and restructured to align with today's demands. The government will lay emphasis on skilling and apprenticeships over the next five years to create a huge number of new jobs.”

Claude Smadja, Chairman, Smadja & Smadja Strategic Advisory, said, “The success of the third edition of India Global Innovation Connect (IGIC) 2024 marks a major milestone in fostering global collaboration among emerging countries within the digital and startup ecosystem. Over the last two days, experts from several countries discussed technology trends, biotech, deep tech, innovation, startup ecosystem, AI and more, exchanging ideas and insights. Given the enthusiastic response, we are confident of maintaining this momentum with IGIC 2025 as well.”

“India is at a fortunate time right now, benefiting from several years of favourable economic policies. There is a renewed enthusiasm for technology, innovation and entrepreneurship among students and young people, and there is growing energy and enthusiasm around entrepreneurship. Today, India has been rebranded, its image has undergone a major transformation and it is now recognised for its talent pool of software programmers and geniuses,” said Sumitra Dutta, Dean and Professor of Management at Oxford University's Said Business School and Chair of the OECD Expert Task Force on AI.

Shubhankar Bhattacharya, general partner at Foundamental in Germany, said, “When choosing a space or business idea, it's important to consider businesses that have the potential to scale, and the idea shouldn't be obvious. A particularly good predictor of a business's chances of becoming a great public company is the founders' willingness to keep their bookkeeping in great detail. In our experience, having uncomfortable conversations with potential founders even before they invest in the business is predictive of success and the health of the business. It's also a sign that the founders are prepared for the worst.”

“We are at a stage where we generate vast amounts of data every second, and we are trying to use this data to understand and mimic how the mind works. We are entering a century of mind technology and a deeper understanding of the mind. By understanding the past and predicting the future, we can bring this awareness into the present, change our behavior, and pave the way for a better future,” said David Passig, an Israeli futurist, professor at Bar Ilan University (BIU) and member of the Israel National Council for Research and Development.

Darshan HV, IAS Managing Director, Department of Electronics, Information Technology and Biotechnology Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka said, “Technology is the future and helping entrepreneurs and start-ups leverage technology as a tool for innovation and development is crucial for growth. Karnataka has always been a pioneer in R&D and has fostered close collaboration between industry and academia. The Karnataka government, along with partners such as KDEM and other industry associations, has fostered significant advancements in technological innovation, particularly in the areas of biotechnology and genomics. The state government, through IBAB (Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology), CHG (Centre for Human Genetics) and BBC (Bio Innovation Centre, Bangalore), is promoting R&D activities, particularly in the niche areas of biotechnology. The Karnataka government has also set up a dedicated space in South Bangalore for biotechnology start-ups and enterprises. Further, continuous discussions and consultations with industry and academia ensure that government actions are aligned with industry needs.”

IGIC's mission is to expand and deepen technology and business interactions and synergies between the Indian ecosystem and many overseas ecosystems, identify and evaluate new opportunities created by the rapid evolution of disruptive technologies and explore new opportunities for business partnerships.

Building on the success of the previous two editions in 2022 and 2023, IGIC 2024 will be organised by global strategic advisory firm Smadja & Smadja in collaboration with IGIC's strategic partner, Karnataka Digital Economy Mission, and will also have official support and engagement from government agencies and business organisations such as Swissnex, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), German Entrepreneurship, French Tech India, Business France and Enterprise Singapore.

Key partners associated with India Global Innovation Connect 2024 include: Founding Sponsor – Tata Digital Private Limited, Strategic Partner – Karnataka Digital Economy Mission, Sponsors – Axilor Ventures, WizFreight, Knowledge Partners – Covington & Burling, Swissnex, Partner Organisations – Japan External Trade Organization, Start2 Group, Enterprise Singapore, French Tech India, Business France.

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About India Global Innovation Connect:

India Global Innovation Connect is an annual event aimed at fostering innovation, collaboration and knowledge sharing among the brightest minds in technology, entrepreneurship and policymaking. It is the brainchild of Claude Smadja and Yael Smadja, CEO of Smadja & Associates USA. Claude is the founder of Smadja & Smadja, a global strategic advisory firm. Claude has also been with the World Economic Forum for 14 years, serving as Managing Director of the World Economic Forum from 1995 to 2001. The first edition of India Global Innovation Connect (IGIC) was held in Bangalore in 2022, which attracted 360 participants. It was followed by IGIC 2023, which attracted over 400 participants.




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