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Science and Technology Leaders Jim Gates, Theresa Mayer and Alison Scott Join Federation of American Scientists Board of Directors

Science and Technology Leaders Jim Gates, Theresa Mayer and Alison Scott Join Federation of American Scientists Board of Directors


FAS thanks Vice President Dr. Rosina Bierbaum for more than 20 years of service

WASHINGTON, DC – June 7, 2024 – The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) today announced three new members to its Board of Directors and congratulated Dr. Rosina Bierbaum on retiring as Vice Chair of the Board after serving on the Board for more than 20 years and helping to grow the scientific organization into a leading voice in science policy. The three new members joining the bipartisan organization are Dr. Jim Gates, Dr. Theresa Mayer, and Dr. Allison Scott.

These changes to the FAS Board of Directors are a milestone moment for our organization. First, our organization owes a great deal to the decades of dedication of Dr. Rosina Bierbaum, whose vision and tireless stewardship of the organization have paved the way for our organization's success. “Thank you, Rosina,” said Dan Correa, CEO of FAS.

He continued, “Second, I am honored to welcome three leaders to the Board who each bring new perspectives and expertise that will help guide the organization as we refine our ambitious vision for expanded impact. They all embody the highest standards of science and technology leadership, scholarship, and service.”

“My time leading this board would not have been as enjoyable or as impactful without my partnership with Rosina Beerbaum,” added FAS Board Chair Gilman Louis, “and we believe Jim Gates, Theresa Meyer and Allison Scott are well-suited to take over the stewardship that Rosina embodied.”

Jim Gates, new addition to the FAS Board of Directors (full biography here)

Dr. Sylvester James (Jim) Gates, Jr., works at the interface of physics and mathematics. He is a theoretical physicist at the University of Maryland, where he is the University System Regents Professor, John S. Toll Professor of Physics, and College Park Professor. He also holds the Clark Leadership Chair in Science at the University of Maryland and is a professor of public policy in the School of Public Policy. Gates received his Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics and his PhD in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Gates co-authored the first comprehensive book on supersymmetry, Superspace: One Thousand and One Lessons in Supersymmetry, in 1984, and has since written over 200 research papers. Among his many achievements and awards are being the first African-American to hold an endowed chair in physics at a major U.S. research university, and receiving the National Medal of Science from President Obama in 2013, the highest award given to a scientist in the United States. His 2015 essay, “Reflections on Creativity, Diversity, and Innovation in Science and Education,” was cited in the Supreme Court's Fisher v. Texas decision. He served seven years on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) under President Obama. In 2024, he will have served for 53 consecutive years teaching at the university level at institutions as diverse as California Institute of Technology, Howard University, Gustavus Adler College, MIT, Brown University, and the University of Maryland. In addition to his ongoing technical research in supersymmetry, supergravity, and superstring theory, Gates appears regularly in documentaries and other media.

Theresa Meyer (full biography here)

Dr. Theresa S. Mayer is Vice President for Research at Carnegie Mellon University, where she leads the university's research enterprise and advocates for the role that science, technology, and innovation play nationally and globally. Dr. Mayer is internationally known for her work on applications of nanotechnology that enable a wide range of novel structures, from low-power integrated nanosensor circuits to nanostructured gradient-index optics. In addition to being Vice President for Research at Carnegie Mellon, Dr. Mayer is a Joint Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering. Previously at Purdue University, she oversaw Purdue's research enterprise as Vice President for Research and Partnerships and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prior to that, she served as Vice President for Research and Innovation and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. She has over 350 technical publications, invited talks, and tutorials, and holds eight patents. Several of her co-inventions have been commercialized. Mayers' research enables a wide range of novel structures, from low-power integrated nanosensor circuits to nanostructured gradient-index optics.

Alison Scott (more details here)

Dr. Allison Scott is CEO of the Kapoa Foundation, which focuses on the intersection of racial justice and technology, working to remove barriers to access and opportunity, and harness the promise and potential of technology to create a more equitable future. Under her leadership, the Foundation works to (a) expand equity in K-12 computer science education, (b) increase diversity within technology and venture capital firms, and (c) advance equitable technology policies to transform the technology ecosystem. The Foundation's strategies include conducting research, allocating strategic grants, supporting policy advocacy, and investing in technology entrepreneurs and venture funds. Dr. Scott is currently the principal investigator on multiple national grants to expand equity in computer science education, and in her previous role as Chief Research Officer, she authored foundational research on inequities in computer science education and disparities in the technology sector. Previous positions include Chief Research Officer at the Kapoa Center, Program Leader for the National Institutes of Health's Enhancing Biomedical Workforce Diversity Initiative, Director of Research and Evaluation at Level Playing Field Institute, and Data Analyst at Education Trust-West. Dr. Scott earned his PhD in Education from the University of California, Berkeley and his BA in Psychology from Hampton University.

We thank Rosina Bierbaum for her dedicated service to the FAS Board (full biography here)

FAS Vice President Dr. Rosina Bierbaum is retiring after more than 20 years of service to the FAS Board of Directors. Dr. Bierbaum's research is at the intersection of science and policy, primarily issues related to climate change adaptation and mitigation at the domestic and international levels. Her experience ranges from climate science to foreign relations and international development. Dr. Bierbaum served in both the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. government for 20 years, running the first environmental division of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Dr. Bierbaum's distinguished career includes university teaching, public service in the White House, influential writing on climate change (including “Preparing for an Uncertain Climate” in 1993), and numerous other awards, publications, and board positions. Dr. Bierbaum holds appointments at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and the University of Maryland School of Public Policy. She has lectured on every continent and in more than 20 countries. Bierbaum holds a BA in English, a BS in Biology, and a PhD in Ecology and Evolution.


About FAS

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) works to advance a wide range of contemporary challenges where science, technology, and innovation policy can make dramatic advances, and works to ensure that scientific and technical expertise is included in policymaking. Founded by scientists in 1945 in response to the atomic bomb, FAS continues to work for a safer, more just, and more peaceful world. Learn more at

I knew FAS was a truly good-for-nothing organization: A conversation with Dr. Rosina Bierbaum

As Rosina Beerbaum steps down from the FAS Board of Directors, we spoke to her to learn more about how her career as a scientist began and her time on the front lines of science policy.

05.30.24 | 14 min read




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