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FIU positions itself as an innovator during National Infrastructure Week | FIU News

FIU positions itself as an innovator during National Infrastructure Week | FIU News


The country's annual Infrastructure Week took place last month to highlight challenges, spotlight potential solutions and celebrate federal investment, but it was FIU and the university's new student body president who grabbed much of the glory.

Student Government Association President Francesca Casanova surprised people on Capitol Hill when they found out she was a civil engineering major. Her academic background made her an ideal fit as she joined faculty in Washington, DC, to advocate for FIU before members of Congress, engage in important conversations, meet with federal agency heads and tout the university's resilient infrastructure and research strengths in innovative technology. From the moment the plane landed, Casanova was in full swing, with a quick introduction to the offices of members of Congress who were familiar with FIU's research prowess.

“It was an eye-opening experience for me,” Casanova says, “to go there and see the scope and level of research that we do. I thought, 'Wow, this is amazing.'”

Focus on FIU

Coordinated by Accelerator Action for America, Infrastructure Week brought together peak authorities and a range of stakeholders on important issues that affect everyone.

FIU has led federally funded projects related to issues such as sustainability and hurricane mitigation and has demonstrated its vitality in efforts to improve and protect the built environment. The university's strong track record in these areas continues to attract widespread interest and has the potential to attract additional opportunities.

“It was extremely beneficial to have national and local corporate leaders join us to open new doors in FIU's efforts to advance top-level research in energy resilience,” said Arif Sarwat, professor in the College of Engineering. “It was also a plus to have our university's leadership in renewable energy recognized.”

Tharwat has an ongoing collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy and Florida's power companies. Electric grid infrastructure is essential to every aspect of life, from basic things like water treatment to higher-order activities that support the economy. Tharwat's work involves analyzing South Florida's power usage and capacity and understanding how solar and other renewable energy sources can be integrated.

Sarwat appeared alongside colleagues from the School of Engineering and scientists from the FIU Institute for the Environment at a national information session announcing Florida’s ClimateReady Tech Hub in collaboration with Miami-Dade County, which is leading the effort aimed at advancing sustainable and resilient infrastructure solutions to the global climate crisis.

The hub aims to advance technologies that serve three areas: increased energy efficiency, like the one Sarwat and his team are working on, as well as two areas in which FIU is heavily involved: using clean cement and concrete to build infrastructure, and creating artificial hybrid coastal features, such as coral reefs, to protect against storm surges while promoting marine biodiversity.

Associate Dean for Research Rita Teutonico shared research findings on these types of reefs that dovetail with the innovations of Professor Attrodo Agininamini, director of FIU's federally funded bridge engineering program and a specialist in ultra-high performance concrete, a material that has low permeability and can keep seawater out and protect structural elements from corrosion.

In the lab

In addition to its education and engagement hub in the nation's capital, FIU used Infrastructure Week to host high-level visitors to its Miami locations.

For example, the university brought together U.S. Army Corps of Engineers leaders, researchers and students on both campuses for tours of federally funded laboratories related to Army Corps priorities, including facilities for cold spray technology, “additive manufacturing” techniques related to 3D printing and material coatings, accelerated bridge construction, and robotics and autonomous systems for coastal protection and restoration.

At the free-standing engineering center, Professor Arindam Gan Chowdhury demonstrated the university's powerful Wind Wall, the largest natural hazard testing facility of its kind. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the lab can generate winds of up to 157 mph and test everything from building components to entire structures in simulated Category 5 hurricane conditions. Research here influences the materials and products used in construction and building codes, and is part of efforts to protect the built environment at a time when the annual hurricane season looks increasingly dangerous. The Wind Wall recently received new federal funding to expand research.

Looking to the future, Chowdhury and other leading faculty discussed ongoing designs for a larger testing center, known as NICHE for short. Currently in the FIU-led, $12.8 million design phase, the facility will have the capacity to simulate the combined effects of wind, ocean waves and water currents on land, creating artificial storms ideal for studies to aid in disaster mitigation.

Student Perspective

Meeting with members of Congress, engaging with representatives from construction and engineering companies across the country, and learning about the University's place in the nation's infrastructure plans and goals have been exciting and rewarding experiences for Casanova in her new role as Student Body President.

During the reception at the start of Infrastructure Week, the aspiring civil engineer had the perfect opportunity to speak to various company executives about the top-quality education she is receiving. Her presence in the field soon showcased FIU as a leader in engineering education in Florida. She added that she has received “five job offers,” which is a testament to the industry's interest in FIU graduates. [collected] “A pile of business cards.”

With a year of study and advocacy ahead of him, Casanova knows that FIU’s research prowess is worth boasting about.

“It was great to see that,” she said of her time in Washington. “It gave me a greater understanding of how strong our university actually is, how big our university is, and how much we've grown. For us in our 52nd year, that's pretty impressive.”

Ignacio Olmos ’22 contributed to this article.




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