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3 resumes Gen Z used to land a Google interview

3 resumes Gen Z used to land a Google interview


Google is well known for offering its employees generous Silicon Valley salaries and enviable office perks, but it's also known to be highly competitive.

The tech giant reportedly accepts millions of applicants a year and is said to be harder to get into than Harvard University.

BI spoke to three recent graduates who now work as software engineers at Google, and they each shared the resume they used to land interviews, but it's important to remember that there's no silver bullet for getting into Google.

Two applied blindly, and the third applied with letters of recommendation. All three went through Google's lengthy interview process, which included a series of interviews lasting several hours.

The three resumes varied in style and content — some were lengthy, others less than a page — but what all three applicants had in common was an internship at a major technology company.

They all held degrees in computer science and listed their GPAs as between 3.6 and 3.8.

Check out the resumes below to see what Googlers have to say about what stood out to them in their applications.

Tsui said he added the skill to his resume to show he can connect with others outside of work.

Kevin Tsui is a 24-year-old software engineer working at Google. He graduated from the School of Information and Computing at the University of Pittsburgh in 2022 and applied to Google without any introductions at the time.

Tsui said she feels it's important to show multiple years of work experience, even if not all of the internships are related to her current job.

He also said he feels that working for a major company like Amazon for two years, where he gained experience in global product development, may have helped him stand out.

Tsui said he decided to include his non-work hobbies, such as cooking and travelling, on his CV because he wanted to show his colleagues that they could connect with him outside of work.

Tsui says work isn't just about doing a job 24/7, it also requires “being human” during your downtime.

Tsui said he feels it's important to be part of a team and to be sociable.

Stein said that his most memorable experience was joining the Google Developer Student Club.

Eric Stein is a 23-year-old software engineer working at Google who graduated from the University of Virginia in 2022 and applied to the company with three connections.

He said he believes his participation in the Google Developer Student Club was the biggest contribution to his resume, and ultimately led to him receiving letters of recommendation as well.

“This demonstrates my passion for Google and my passion for using technology to improve the world around us,” Stein said.

Another highlight of his resume, he said, was his inclusion of personal projects, such as being a co-founder of Pareto Touch. He said he thinks that shows his willingness to look for work even when there isn't one. He also said it shows his dedication to honing his skills.

Wilkinson said his experience at Roku was the most memorable. Matt Wilkinson

Matt Wilkinson is a 24-year-old software engineer working at Google. He graduated from American University in 2021 and applied to Google without any letters of recommendation.

He said he thought his experience at Roku stood out the most on his resume, and while he didn't necessarily work in the same specialty at Google as he did at Roku, he worked in software engineering roles in both jobs.

Wilkinson said she started out as a finance major but changed majors during her sophomore year, so she didn't have much technology experience and felt it was important to include some projects she worked on related to the field. She also said she believes the role she played in one project helped her develop a leadership role.

Do you work at Google? Please contact us from a non-work device by emailing [email protected].




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