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Computex 2024 Success Brings Together Global Tech Leaders and Innovation

Computex 2024 Success Brings Together Global Tech Leaders and Innovation


Computex 2024 concluded successfully with a significant expansion in the scale of this year's event. The four-day exhibition attracted 85,179 ICT buyers and professionals from around the world. The top 10 countries and regions participating in the event included Japan, the United States, South Korea, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Under the theme of “Connecting AI”, Computex 2024 attracted world-class buyers to Taiwan, placing the country at the center of global technology attention. The exhibition showcased cutting-edge technological innovations by a variety of exhibitors. According to IDC, AI PCs are predicted to account for approximately 60% of global PC shipments by 2027. Among the innovations on display, Acer and ASUS unveiled their Copilot+ PC, Swift 14 AI laptop, and Vivobook S 15, respectively, highlighting the transformative impact of AI on the PC industry.

As the application of smart technology expands to various fields, a new feature at this year's exhibition was the Smart Mobility Area. The Taiwan Advanced Automotive Association (TADA) set up an Automotive Technology Pavilion, bringing together leading manufacturers such as Pegatron Corporation, Clientron and Retronix Technology to showcase their integrated smart cockpit solutions.

The advanced communications and network products section highlighted Taiwan's important role as a communications pioneer: ASUS and ASKEY collaborated on 5G enterprise private network solutions via Microsoft Azure's dedicated 5G core, and Pride demonstrated its “AIoT Application Management Platform (NMS-AIoT),” the industry's first cross-protocol energy smart management system.

The rapidly developing metaverse was also a key area of ​​focus. Ganzin Technology unveiled wearable eye-tracking technology for augmented reality devices to enhance immersion. Silicon Valley startup Aemass showcased a portable, single-lens 3D recording system along with its patented 3D cloud imaging and AI algorithm technology, providing innovative solutions for the Extended Reality (XR) sector.

Tech giants came together at Computex 2024, creating dynamic interactions across the event floor. Dr. Lisa Su, Chairman and CEO of AMD, kicked off the event with a keynote speech hosted by TAITRA. Other prominent speakers included Cristiano Amon, President and CEO of Qualcomm, Pat Gelsinger, CEO of Intel, Rick Tsai, Vice Chairman and CEO of MediaTek, Charles Liang, President and CEO of Supermicro, Lars Reger, Executive Vice President and CTO of NXP Semiconductors, and Dr. Zicker Chiue, President of Delta Research Center. These industry leaders discussed leveraging key technologies to power various industries and shape the future of AI, and invited industry partners to share their insights on technological advancements.

Computex, especially the Computex Forum, brought together global technology leaders to outline the future of AI. Themed “Let's Talk Generative AI,” this year's forum saw nine experts provide an in-depth analysis of the AI ​​supply chain and valuable insights into new business opportunities. The interaction between global technology leaders and ecosystem partners fostered collaborations that are expected to drive technological advancements and innovative applications.

InnoVEX, the exhibition area dedicated to startups, saw more countries participate than ever before. In addition to new startups and teams, the event featured seven national pavilions and major acceleration and incubation units. Startups showed great creativity by applying AI technology to fields such as healthcare, manufacturing, sports, pets, and tourism. For example, Pade Technology developed an intelligent sorting system using near-infrared spectroscopy and AI, while DeepRad.AI leveraged AI to innovate medical imaging. ASPN Sports Tech Accelerator collaborated with Garage+ to showcase AI applications in sports technology and data processing.

In the highly competitive InnoVEX Startup Competition, Taiwan Polymer Materials won the top prize with its “R-ESG-Rubber,” which converts waste tires into high-value recycled rubber materials, answering the industry's need for sustainable solutions.

To encourage environmental change, Computex introduced the Sustainable Design Awards for the first time. BenQ Qisda Group won the Gold Award, while ASUS and Acer shared the Silver Award. Transcend Information and Wiwynn Corporation received special jury awards. In line with their sustainability goals, exhibitors incorporated the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) concept into their booth designs.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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