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Google Pixel 9 and 9 Pro Rumors: Pixel XL, New Design, Tensor G4

Google Pixel 9 and 9 Pro Rumors: Pixel XL, New Design, Tensor G4


Google's new $499 Pixel 8A smartphone joins the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro with solid performance, solid software support, and innovative AI-based features. However, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro were launched in October 2023, so we're already looking forward to the Pixel 9 series that may arrive later this year.

While rumors are still pretty fragmented, we do have some key tidbits of information about the upcoming product line, especially since Google's I/O keynote was focused on AI and didn't mention any hardware at all.

We'll be updating this story over the coming months as the Pixel 9 launch draws closer, so keep checking back.

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08:16 Release date: Fall 2024

Google typically releases new Pixel devices in October, similar to the Pixel 8 and Pixel 7 series. At this time, there are no rumors suggesting that Google is planning to make any major changes to its product release timeline, so it seems likely that the Pixel 9 series will arrive later this year.

The Pixel 8 series was announced for a 2023 launch back in October, and the Pixel 9 is expected to follow a similar date.

Andrew Lankson/CNET

Meanwhile, Google I/O will take place in May, where teasers for the upcoming series may be revealed and possibly a more affordable Pixel 8A will be unveiled.

Three (or four) Pixel 9 models

Rumors have been circulating that the Pixel 9 smartphone will come in three models instead of the usual two since Android Authority announced it would be available in late 2022. The base model Pixel 9 is still expected to arrive, but the flagship Pro series could come in two versions, a larger and smaller model.

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The smaller version will reportedly be similar in size to the base model but will feature higher-end cameras that are usually only found on the larger version, while the 9 Pro XL (rumored to be called that) will have the same high-end specs but a larger display.

This more accurately reflects Apple's strategy, which typically includes a base iPhone model plus two Pro phones of different sizes with improved cameras.

There's also a chance that there will be a fourth model, an update to the original Pixel Fold that launched in June 2023. We were hoping to hear more about the Pixel Fold 2 (rumored to be called the Pixel 9 Pro Fold) at Google I/O, but the company only talked about AI updates and didn't highlight any new folding hardware. Google may unveil a new Fold later in June, but it seems more likely that it wants to launch a cohesive lineup of new devices all at once later this year.

iPhone-like design

Speaking of iPhones, the Pixel 9 series could get a design change that mirrors some of the aesthetics of the iPhone 15. Renderings obtained by prominent tipster OnLeaks and published by MySmartPrice show the Pixel 9 with flat metal sides and a flat back panel, similar to those seen on the latest iPhones.

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Another big physical change shown in the leak is the camera bar on the back. Previously, the camera bar was a single bar that stretched across the entire width of the phone, connecting to both edges. The renders suggest that the camera bar will instead be a separate oval-shaped island in the middle.

A rendering image that appears to be the Pixel 9.


The rumor mill has not specified display sizes, but most indications are that the base Pixel 9 will be around 6.1 inches, with the 9 Pro expected to be a similar size. The 9 Pro XL will be larger, at around 6.8 inches, matching the size of the current Pixel 8 Pro.

Similar Cameras

The full camera specs haven't been leaked yet, so there's not much for photographers like me to get excited about just yet, but rumors about a third size for the Pixel 9 family suggest that Google could bring the same triple-camera setup (including telephoto zoom) to the smaller Pixel 9 Pro, a feature that's currently only available on the larger Pixel 8 Pro devices.

This is great news for people who prefer a smaller phone but still want the best features, although it remains to be seen whether Google will follow Apple's lead and add some unique features to its largest phones (for example, the iPhone 15 Pro Max has a 5x optical zoom option that's not available on the smaller iPhone 15 Pro).

The Pixel 8 and 8 Pro offer decent performance, but it's not at the top of the line.

Andrew Lankson/CNETThe new Tensor processor

Google is almost certain to unveil its latest generation of in-house developed processor, which will likely be called Tensor G4. Google's Tensor processors aren't the best in terms of raw power, but the company boasts that they're specifically tuned for on-device AI. Here's hoping that Google's next Tensor chips will do the same.

Android 15 launch

Google always uses the Pixel series to show off the latest Android features, so it's safe to assume that the Pixel 9 series will launch with the latest Android 15. Android 15 is expected to be officially announced at Google I/O in May, but early developer previews have teased new settings with improved privacy and camera controls.

According to Android Authority, one big new feature could be the addition of satellite messaging, which would allow the Pixel series to compete with Apple's Emergency SOS feature, which uses satellite messaging.

The Pixel 8 series launched with Android 14. The Pixel 9 will almost certainly launch with Android 15.

Andrew Lankson/CNET

Beyond that, we can expect to see an increased focus on generative AI features, and we hope that Google will continue to offer at least seven years of software support, as it did with the Pixel 8, so the Pixel 9 series will be safe to use in 2031.

Price Increase

There are no rumors yet about the potential pricing of the Pixel 9 series, but a leak via WinFuture suggests that the upcoming Pixel 8A will be more expensive than its predecessor, at least in Europe. The Pixel 7A launched at €509 (roughly $542), but reports suggest that the Pixel 8A could be priced at €569 ($606), a significant increase year-over-year. While a price increase for the Pixel 8A doesn't necessarily mean that the Pixel 9 series will be more expensive, it does suggest that Google isn't shying away from raising prices.




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