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Should I use Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Nextcloud?

Should I use Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Nextcloud?


Key Takeaways Google Drive: Collaborate seamlessly with colleagues and friends, especially if you're using Android or other Google services OneDrive: Great security and sharing options, and 1TB storage with Microsoft 365 plans beats Google Drive in key areas Dropbox: Integrations with third-party apps and unique features like signature requests and a video editor make it a pricey but feature-rich option.

Cloud storage services offer the convenience of accessing files from anywhere, anytime. Available on most phones, laptops and web platforms, they have rapidly become an essential part of our daily lives. Of the dozens of options available, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and Nextcloud remain popular among consumers and businesses.

Each of these cloud services stands out with its own unique features and benefits. But the key question is: which one is best for your workflow? In this guide, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of these services, their pros and cons, and help you make an informed decision based on your preferences.

Related: Best Cloud Storage Services in 2024 There's no shortage of cloud service providers in the computing world, but here are some we recommend you check out in 2023: Google Drive

Let's start with Google Drive, the most popular cloud storage solution. It comes with a large 15GB of free storage, split between Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. It's well integrated with the Android system, enterprise services like Docs and Sheets, and third-party apps like WhatsApp. Most of your contacts and colleagues already have a Google account, making sharing documents, files, or folders easier than ever.

The native app and web version of Google Drive recently underwent a great redesign by Material You. The home screen now displays recommended files, folders, and several filters to help you find your files quickly. The Drive desktop app also integrates nicely with Windows File Explorer and Mac Finder.

It's also worth noting that it has incredibly fast upload and download speeds. Prices start at $2 per month for 100GB of storage. A paid subscription also unlocks premium editing features in the Google Photos app.

Google Drive is well-regarded for its great UI and ease of use, but it lacks some features like expired links, password-protected folders, and advanced PDF editing.


Microsoft's OneDrive is the go-to choice for Microsoft 365 subscribers and Windows users. Whether you have a Microsoft 365 Home or Business plan, you get 1TB of OneDrive storage on your desktop along with best-in-class Office apps. It's also packed with features; in fact, add-ons like Private Vault, expiring and password-protected links, and a handy PDF editor make it far superior to Google Drive.

OneDrive Web has undergone a major UI overhaul, giving it a modern look and putting it on par with Google Drive and Dropbox. It also has a dedicated Photos tab that lets you manage your uploaded media files like a pro. You can also create albums, edit images, and look back on memories to relive fun moments from years ago.

Naturally, it also integrates well with Windows, backing up your account details, local folders and system settings, and letting you set up a new Windows device in no time.

Paid plans start at $2 per month for Microsoft 365 Basic, which offers 100 GB of OneDrive storage. While Microsoft is developing many new features for OneDrive, the software giant needs to improve upload and download speeds. Sometimes it can take a very long time to upload or download files from OneDrive.


When it comes to cloud storage services, you can't go wrong with Dropbox, the most feature-rich solution with great native apps on all platforms. Like OneDrive, it has a dedicated Photos tab for managing and editing your uploaded media files.

Dropbox also offers a number of productivity tools for smooth collaboration. For example, Dropbox Paper is a great alternative to Google Docs, where you can draft and collaborate on meeting notes, project outlines, and other documents. Other useful Dropbox tools include Dash to organize your work content, Replay to quickly approve videos, and DocSend to send and track documents, sign, capture, and more.

The Dropbox Essential plan costs $20 per month and gives you 3TB of storage, 100GB of file transfers, file engagement, signature requests, PDF editing, and other features. As expected, Dropbox doesn't offer any ecosystem benefits: you can't back up your phone or desktop settings or data to your Dropbox account.

Next Cloud

Source: Nextcloud

If you want to host your cloud storage from the comfort of your home, Nextcloud is a great choice. It's an attractive option for startups, professionals, and businesses who want to host their own private cloud storage server.

Nextcloud is essentially an open source platform that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and other collaboration tools. Apart from Nextcloud Files, it also has other tools like Nextcloud Talk to enable communication and Nextcloud Groupware to access your calendar, contacts, and email.

If you don't know how to deal with the complexities of hosting a private service yourself, we also have several external partners available to you: when you create a new account, you can choose a server from The Good Cloud, Tab.Digital or Qloup MSP and enable all the essential features of Nextcloud. You can also host your server on your home or office router and keep control of your data.

All Nextcloud pricing starts at 100 users, with Nextcloud Basic costing €37.49 per user per year (about $40 at the time of writing).

Safely sync and store your important files

Still undecided about these services? Let us help you decide. Google Drive offers seamless collaboration and works well with Android and other enterprise apps and services.

OneDrive offers great security and sharing options, and all Microsoft 365 plans come with a massive 1TB of storage, easily beating Google Drive in key areas.

Dropbox offers integration with third-party apps and has unique features like signature requests and a video editor, but it is also the most expensive.

Nextcloud is a self-hosted alternative to these apps with a focus on privacy and security, but it requires a big learning curve.




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