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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 First Look 300GB Spies, Zombies, and Margaret Thatcher | Games

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 First Look 300GB Spies, Zombies, and Margaret Thatcher | Games


Microsoft didn't skimp on its Xbox showcase this year. After a series of announcements about job cuts and studio closures, the company tried to give gamers what they wanted with its Summer Game Fest slot on Sunday night, concluding with a 40-minute preview of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. The game is so large, with a large amount of textures streamed from remote servers, that it requires a 300GB download and ongoing online access even in single-player mode. As expected, the Xbox version will be available on GamePass from day one, but it won't be a platform exclusive, and the PlayStation version will also be released on the same day, October 25th.

The game itself is set against the backdrop of the geopolitical turmoil of the early 1990s, including the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Gulf War, and the transition of the US presidency from George Bush to Bill Clinton. The campaign storyline remains an airport novel-like spy thriller, with undeniable CIA operations, covert power struggles, and conspiracies that reach all the way to the top. Series regular Frank Woods is severely injured and retired from active duty, leaving him to be replaced by Troy Marshall, a reckless special forces leader, and Jane Harrow, a smart CIA handler. When a mission goes wrong, they are forced to act on their own, assembling a ragtag team of tech nerds and charming assassins. You are almost certainly at risk here.

Like most recent Call of Duty titles, Black Ops 6 promises a bit of variety in the way you tackle the campaign missions. Most set pieces, whether they're set in the glitzy casinos of southern Europe or the tundra of northern Russia, allow for guns blazing attacks or stealth approaches. There are also sequences where players can converse with NPCs to open up new possibilities, such as bribing a senator to grant access to forbidden areas. You'll see some familiar faces from the era, including Saddam Hussein, George Bush and Margaret Thatcher, although fortunately Activision has confirmed that the latter, at least, won't be a playable option.

Call of Duty titles are typically developed in a short two-year period, but with this game, co-developers Treyarch and Raven had double that time. “It really gave us the opportunity to redefine what a Black Ops game is,” says associate design director Matt Scronce. “It allowed us to be very deliberate about every decision we made throughout development. Previously, each game built on the previous one, but with this game, we really were laying the foundation to redefine Black Ops.”

One of the biggest changes to game feel is a new system called Omnidirection, which lets players sprint and slide in any direction. “Movement fluidity was a big thing we talked about a lot,” says Yale Miller, senior production director at Treyarch. That led us to want to see what we could do.

Ground floor build of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. Photo: Microsoft

Scrance explains that early on, they tried a “jug” – a quick side step. But when they were thinking about movement in Black Ops 6, it was important to keep the player in the flow, and fluidity and fidelity reflected that, so something like a jug just didn't work. So they went back to the drawing board. For over 20 years, Call of Duty had only allowed players to sprint forward, so they looked to the best athletes in the real world for inspiration: NFL players, NBA players, tennis players – players who can move in all directions very quickly.

Players can now sprint, dive, and slide in 360 degrees, allowing for a wider variety of evasive maneuvers, including rolling over on their back and under cover, or even replicating a classic move from Hong Kong action movies of the time: shooting forward while sliding backwards. Naturally, this system required thousands of new animations and motion capture, which wouldn't have been possible without additional development time.

According to the team, accessibility is also a key factor. A new intelligent movement system has been introduced, adding crouch, dash and mantle assist, which can be toggled on and off. Players can choose to fully automate jumping over walls and sliding under low obstacles. This was inspired by a variety of games. “We looked to the Forza series with traction control, anti-lock and turn assist,” Scronce says. And mobile games are a good example of the lack of physical buttons. So what do they do? The HUD is also now customizable, allowing players to move on-screen information such as the minimap. This is a feature created with Call of Duty streamers in mind, as streamers often want to add their own camera view in the game and have a hard time deciding where to place it without obscuring important information.

Key multiplayer components have been significantly tweaked, undoing some recent changes. There are 16 new maps, most of which feature the traditional three-lane design, while the Prestige system, which allows seasoned veteran players to show off their prowess with exclusive outfits, accessories, and classified weapons, has returned to the style of previous Black Ops games. Treyarch is also promising a vast arsenal of firearms from the era, with dozens of attachments.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – Capitol Station. Photo: Microsoft

Meanwhile, the regular Call of Duty zombies mode will return to its roots, which Treyarch first introduced with World at War back in 2008. While the most recent Modern Warfare title introduced a new type of open-world zombie game, Black Ops 6 returns to the older round-based structure, where players work together to survive wave after wave of the undead while unlocking new weapons and exploring confined environments.

The Call of Duty monster truck continues to roll, with concerns over the appropriation of recent historical events, the glorification of U.S. foreign policy, and the enthusiasm for military-grade weaponry. But like the best blockbuster war movies, it has its charms, and Black Ops 6 seems to add some interesting elements to the series' atmosphere. This may point to the benefits of giving the studio a little more time. Scrance said: “Overall, the extra time allowed us to pay more attention to the details, like character fidelity, movement, animation, audio, and multiplayer maps, to make it what we can all agree is our best yet.




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