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G60 Science and Technology Corridor fuels Songjiang's global ambitions

G60 Science and Technology Corridor fuels Songjiang's global ambitions


G60 Science, Technology and Innovation Corridor at night

As the G60 Science and Technology Corridor celebrates its eighth anniversary, it marks a significant milestone in Songjiang's ambitions to become a global innovation hub. A vibrant research and development hub, the corridor has invigorated the local economy and set a benchmark for high-tech advancements.

Shanghai Auster Pharmaceutical engineers inspect equipment in the factory.

R&D Platform

The G60 Corridor has achieved significant growth in R&D funding, with an investment intensity of 6.79 percent, ranking among the top in Shanghai. It has received 139 science and technology awards at the city level or above. Innovations include the world's most advanced 450mm semiconductor crystal growth system, an ALD photovoltaic mother machine, and the first-ever somatic cell cloned monkey model for the study of biological rhythm disorders.

In recent years, major research and development platforms such as the G60 Neurointelligence and Low Carbon Technology Innovation Hub have been gathered here.

Led by Professor Sun Yuhan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Shanghai Low Carbon Technology Innovation Hub is made up of 24 experts from renowned universities and research institutes around the world. The hub focuses on the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, promoting efficient and circular carbon utilization, and advancing storage and hydrogen energy technologies.

Innovations such as hydrogen formylation, zinc-air energy storage and inorganic materials have moved from the lab to the market, giving rise to three multi-million dollar technology companies.

In addition, Shanghai Shaanxi Coal Hi-Tech Research Institute has established a new R&D center in Songjiang with a huge investment of RMB 2 billion (US$275.86 million). The institute will cooperate with top universities such as Fudan University, Tongji University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, focusing on transforming scientific and technological achievements in areas such as fine chemicals, new materials, new energy, intelligent equipment and life health.

“Since the launch of the national strategy of the G60 science and technology corridor in 2016, Songjiang has significantly strengthened the introduction and cultivation of key research and development platforms,” ​​said Xiao Yan, chairman of the Songjiang District Science and Technology Committee. Including technology centers and university laboratories, Songjiang has cultivated 492 research institutes and enriched the provision of public research platforms.

Employees at Shanghai Advanced Silicon Technology Co., Ltd. test silicon wafers.

Strategic Emerging Industries

The corridor aims to vigorously promote industries such as integrated circuits, biomedical, artificial intelligence, new materials, new energy and intelligent security, and build a world-class industrial cluster.

Take the integrated circuit industry for example. Shanghai Advanced Silicon Technology Co., Ltd. is a great example of this effort. The company's production lines are running at full capacity, continuously producing highly customized 200mm and 300mm silicon wafers.

“Our sales increased by more than 20 percent in the first quarter and we expect similar increases in orders in the second quarter,” said Chen Meng, founder and chairman.

What's even more interesting is that the company's fully automated intelligent production line for 300mm silicon wafers is one of the most advanced built in the world in the past 20 years. “Currently, 19 of the world's top 20 integrated circuit manufacturers are our batch customers,” Chen said.

Statistics from the Songjiang District Economic Committee provide an insightful overview of the district's vibrant integrated circuit (IC) industry.

Songjiang has become a comprehensive base for the IC field, covering all key stages from IC design, wafer fabrication, packaging and testing to materials and equipment manufacturing.

This strong ecosystem has spurred significant industrial growth in the region. Last year alone, Songjiang's IC industry achieved industrial output of over 20 billion RMB, highlighting the industry's important role in the overall national strategy to enhance China's technological strength and economic vitality.

Future Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is an important engine driving new productivity in Songjiang District, and applications such as smart robots are rapidly emerging. Well-known robotics companies from home and abroad have flocked to the district, greatly improving the district's technological environment.

Songjiang is currently home to seven major data center projects, including the Tencent Yangtze River Delta AI Advanced Computing Center, Shanghai Instrument Electronics (INESA) Smart Computing Center (Songjiang) and Beidou Space-Time (Shanghai) Big Data Integrated Application Industrial Base, highlighting the district's commitment to advancing cutting-edge computing and data processing capabilities.

Tencent Yangtze River Delta AI Advanced Computing Center, known as the largest GPU intelligence computing center in China, has already started operations. With an investment of RMB 45 billion and plans to build 24,000 racks on 15.7 hectares of land, the project is poised to become a global major hub for intensive and efficient AI computing.

In addition, Hokuto Boyang and Huawei recently signed an agreement to jointly develop the Hokuto Boyang Huawei Space Information Shanghai Computing Center, which will focus on synergistic innovation across areas such as AI computing platforms and spatial information industry.

On the academic side, Songjiang is also promoting AI research and development through its educational institutions: Donghua University has established an AI Research Institute, and Shanghai University of Engineering has established the G60 Science and Technology Corridor Robot Industry Technology Research Institute.

Tongji University has partnered with local universities to establish the Songjiang Robotics Research Center, demonstrating the district's dedication to fostering cutting-edge technology development and educating the next generation of AI and robotics experts. This strategic focus will not only strengthen Songjiang's industrial capabilities, but also position the city as a central player in the global AI industry.

An artistic expression of the Matsue Hub, which will optimize the business environment in the area once completed

A talent magnet

At a smart equipment company's busy assembly plant in Xiaokunshan, Songjiang province, designer Ye Longkai stands proudly next to two lines of automotive power battery modules, ready for shipment to SAIC Motor's Zhengzhou, Henan province, facility.

A native of Guangxi, Ye graduated from Shanghai University of Engineering last year with degrees in mechanical engineering and automotive engineering. Despite being new to the job, he has progressed quickly under the guidance of his more experienced colleagues. Ye's design innovations, such as an automatic laser cleaning device for battery poles and a CCD positioning device before welding, have attracted the interest of major auto manufacturers.

Reflecting on his decision to remain in Songjiang after graduation, Ye said, “I spent four years of university here and have grown a deep attachment to Songjiang. The region offers excellent talent policies and great opportunities for growth, which is why I chose to stay here.”

He recently passed the preliminary screening for talent housing subsidies and will soon be receiving about 900 yuan a month to help ease his housing costs.

Ye's story is not unusual: Songjiang has rolled out an ambitious 10-point support policy aimed at attracting talent, covering areas such as youth entrepreneurship, technology transfer, skills training, salary support and affordable housing.

These measures are part of a comprehensive, phased strategy centred around identifying leading companies and outstanding talent, and adopting a multi-faceted approach including internships, employment bonuses, training incentives, talent apartments and housing subsidies to provide all-round support to professionals.

By the end of 2023, Songjiang Province will officially identify and provide key support to 3,000 key enterprises within the Yangtze River Delta G60 science and technology corridor, attracting a total of 21,880 talented talents.

The district has also accumulated a portfolio of 20,000 high-quality talent apartments and 40,000 rental homes aimed at professional housing.

In 2023 alone, more than 25,000 people received rent subsidies worth more than 87 million yuan.

This comprehensive support system not only fosters a vibrant professional community but also positions Matsue as an attractive destination for innovative talent.

Robots are in operation at a factory of Haier Casio, one of China's major home appliance manufacturers.

The Matsue G60 satellite is launched.




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