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Samsung announces Galaxy Ring release date, feature list, and US availability

Samsung announces Galaxy Ring release date, feature list, and US availability


When Samsung unveils its next flagship phone next month, it may turn out that its next big thing is actually a wearable: the Galaxy Ring. A teaser was released in January, and now we know pretty precisely when it'll be released — sometime around August. And now, the company has suddenly revealed what the Ring will be capable of.

Samsung Galaxy ring in gold finish.

David Phelan

On June 11th, we updated the report of additional features and new details on weight.

The information comes from an unquestionable source – Samsung itself, although the company has not said anything official about the release.

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Additionally, a new report has come out detailing some new features no one has heard of before, as well as some interesting information about the weight of the ring.

The information comes from Korean leaker SuperRoader and was spotted by NotebookCheck. Here's what it says: The lightest model of the Galaxy Ring weighs about 1 gram. When you put the ring on and use your finger, it will activate the shutter of your smartphone's camera. The Galaxy Ring will be cooler than you can imagine.

Let's break this down. First, I completely agree that the rings are really cool. I was the first journalist to try out a prototype ring back in January, and they look and feel great. I am skeptical about the weight, though. I've tried a few sizes, and although they are prototypes, none have been significantly lighter than the Oura ring, which comes in at 4-6 grams. If one of the prototypes had been a quarter of that weight, I think I would have noticed.

But other camera shutter features could be useful and sound pretty interesting. As for what's coming and when, let's get back to Samsung's own details.

Samsung has filed a lawsuit against Oura, the Finnish company that makes the hit wearable Oura Ring, which currently dominates the market for finger-worn devices.

Page 3 of the complaint also states that Samsung has completed the design of the Galaxy Ring and plans to begin mass production by mid-June 2024. Samsung plans to start selling the Galaxy Ring in the United States around August of this year.

Let's break it down: Samsung has yet to reveal the mass production date for the Galaxy Ring, the countries where it will be sold, or when it will be available. In other words, around August refers to the launch date, not the announcement date.

This lines up with the new details, as Samsung is thought to be holding its next Unpacked event sometime in July, and it's also too vague for hopes that the launch date could move forward to August 1st or even late July.

Additionally, building on Samsung's extensive investments in health and fitness tracking technology, including the Galaxy Watch and Samsung Health app, the Galaxy Ring monitors heart rate, heart rate variability, blood oxygen, movement and sleep to provide users with valuable insights and guidance to improve their health and well-being.

This is big news, as Samsung has not previously revealed what exactly the Ring will do. Of course, we can't expect this list to be comprehensive – Samsung could have something up its sleeve – but it's extensive. They also mentioned an energy score derived from these metrics.

As for the lawsuit itself, The Verge explains: Samsung isn't waiting for Oura to make patent claims on its upcoming smart ring. Instead, it's preemptively filing its own lawsuit against Oura, seeking a declaratory judgment that the Galaxy Ring doesn't infringe five of Oura's patents. The lawsuit alleges that Oura is prone to filing patent lawsuits against competitors based on features common to virtually all smart rings. Specifically, the lawsuit cites sensors, electronics, batteries, and a score based on metrics collected from the sensors.

The good news is that consumers will have even more smart ring options in the future.

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