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All the major new features in MacOSSEQUOIA

All the major new features in MacOSSEQUOIA


Apple has officially launched the latest version of its operating system for Macs, and this time, Apple has chosen macOS Sequoia, following the naming convention of California places (yes, Sequoia is a type of tree, but it's also a national park in Northern California).

Also known as macOS 15, the new OS brings a ton of new features to the desktop, including a password manager app, video conferencing tools, updates to Safari, and all the features that come with Apple Intelligence, the company's new artificial intelligence-powered system. Below, we'll take a closer look at all the new features that will be available in macOS Sequoia when it ships this fall.

For a look at everything new on iPhone and iPad, check out the iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 feature roundup, and see what's new in watchOS 11.

Is your Mac compatible?

macOS Sequoia, or macOS 15, is a free update for Apple computers. However, some features, such as Apple Intelligence (more on that later), are only available for Macs with M-series Apple silicon chips. To find out which model of Mac you have, click the Apple icon in the menu bar in the upper-left corner of your screen, then click About This Mac. We've listed all models that can run macOS Sequoia below.

MacBook Air: 2020 and later MacBook Pro: 2018 and later Mac Mini: 2018 and later iMac: 2019 and later iMac Pro: 2017 and later Mac Pro: 2019 and later Mac Studio: 2022 and later

MacOS Sequoia is currently only available as a developer beta, but a public beta (where anyone can try out the features) is expected to be available in July.

new function

Below we'll take a closer look at all the major features coming to macOS 15. For a complete list, check out Apple's official preview page.

iPhone Mirroring

Photo: Apple

Your iPhone might be in another room or deep inside your bag. When you need to use it but don't want to get up and look for it, you can ring it up on your computer. iPhone Mirroring, part of Apple's Continuity feature, lets you wirelessly access and control your iPhone from your Mac.

When this feature kicks in, your iPhone will display a custom home screen. From there, you can use your keyboard, trackpad, or mouse to drag and drop content (photos, videos, files, and more) between both devices, open and use any app, swipe through all pages of your home screen, and view and respond to notifications — all while your iPhone remains locked. It also works when your iPhone is in standby mode, an iOS 17 feature that turns your iPhone into a smart display while it's charging.

Update Safari

Photo: Apple

macOS Sequoia brings several new features to Safari: With Highlights, Safari uses machine learning to surface relevant information from webpages, such as directions, links, summaries, and restaurant reviews. Apple has also redesigned Reader to minimize distractions; it now shows a more refined view of articles, as well as a summary and table of contents (for longer articles). If a webpage contains a video, the viewer will bring it to the foreground while also providing access to playback controls (including picture-in-picture).

Window tiles

Video: Apple

If you regularly have many browser windows open at once, you'll appreciate the new window tiling feature that helps you organize them for a cleaner view. Drag a window to the edge of the screen and the new OS will automatically suggest a tile position on the screen (similar to Snap in Windows). You can then drop the window into place, place multiple windows side-by-side, or align them to any of the four corners to make room for more apps. You can also use keyboard and menu shortcuts to organize even faster.

Video conferencing tools

Photo: Apple

Last year, Apple added a ton of new videoconferencing tools with macOS Sonoma, including presenter overlay, reactions, and various features for the Mac's built-in webcam. This year, the company is adding a few more. In apps like FaceTime and Zoom, you'll have access to a new Presenter Preview feature that lets you see what you're about to share before you actually do it, while the Built-in Background feature lets you apply your system wallpaper, a color gradient, or your own photo as the background of your video calls. Apple says the feature will be available in FaceTime and third-party apps like Webex.

New Password App

Photo: Apple

If you don't like Keychain, there's a better option: macOS Sequoia comes with a new Passwords app that gives you access to all your passwords (including Wi-Fi passwords), passkeys, and verification codes in one place. The app syncs across all your Apple devices, also runs on Windows machines (using the iCloud app for Windows), and supports end-to-end encryption.

More details in messages

Photo: Apple

Several new Messages features are coming to macOS Sequoia and, by extension, iOS 18 and iPadOS 18. You'll now be able to format text in messages using typographic treatments like bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough. You can also add animation effects to specific words in your text. For some phrases and words, suggestions may also appear as you type. Apple has also added new Tapbacks. Instead of the traditional heart, thumbs up, thumbs down, question mark, and exclamation point, you'll also see the option to use emojis and stickers. Another notable new feature is the option to schedule messages in advance and send them later.

Apple's Intelligence Features

Photo: Apple

In addition to the features mentioned above, the company also announced new AI capabilities powered by Apple Intelligence, the personal intelligence system built into macOS Sequoia, iOS 18, and iPadOS 18.




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