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Sonos' long-awaited Ace headphones bring immersive sound to your home wherever you are

Sonos' long-awaited Ace headphones bring immersive sound to your home wherever you are


Sonos is synonymous with immersive home audio. But what if you could take this experience outside? Now you can. Sonos' highly anticipated Ace headphones are now on sale at Best Buy. With immersive spatial audio, world-class active noise cancellation (ANC) and TV Noise Swap integrated into your home sound system, Ace headphones take your audio experience to the next level at home or on the go.

CNET gave the highly anticipated Ace headphones high marks for their design, sound quality, and calling capabilities: “Not only are the Ace headphones well designed, they also sound great, have top-notch noise cancellation, and deliver exceptional voice call performance,” our review reads.

Here we discuss some of the premium tech and design features that led CNET to rate Sonos Ace headphones as one of the best choices on the market.

Immersive, spatial sound you can experience

Great music shouldn't just be heard, it should be experienced. From crystal clear highs to booming lows, Ace headphones deliver an immersive audio experience that brings out every detail in your sound experience. Featuring custom-designed audio drivers, you'll feel like you're in the same room as your favorite artists.

Sonos Ace headphones deliver spatial audio with Dolby Atmos to envelop you in sound, while dynamic head tracking makes the listening experience interactive, like being in your own private movie theater. With the Sonos app, you can customize your spatial audio experience, tweak your EQ, and adjust your headphone settings for the most personalized listening experience possible.


Clear calls and powerful active noise cancellation

These days, headphones have become part of us, whether we're listening to music at the gym or taking a call on the street. The versatile technology in Sonos Ace headphones knows what you're doing and when it's time to switch songs. When it's time to take a call, eight beamforming microphones separate your voice from the surrounding noise so you can hear it clearly. The same technology provides world-class active noise cancellation, blocking out outside sounds while you immerse yourself in your music. When you want to hear what's going on around you, Aware mode lets outside sounds pass through and blends seamlessly with the music you're listening to.

Style, comfort and control

Sonos is known for its sleek, attractively designed sound products, and the Ace headphones are no exception. From the plush, pillow-like memory foam ear cushions to the stretchable stainless steel band, they feel and look great. The stretchable band and swiveling ear cups can be adjusted for the most comfortable fit.

Not only are the ear cushions comfortable, they also create an acoustic seal without putting pressure on your head, keeping sound locked in. Sonos Ace knows when to play and pause audio with wear detection, and intuitive tactile controls on the ear cups make it easy to adjust volume, skip tracks, switch audio modes, answer calls, and activate your voice assistant with the click of a button.

David Culnoy/CNET

Wireless or wired, switch between multiple devices

Sonos Ace lets you pair two devices simultaneously and easily switch between them: listen to music on your phone, watch a movie on your TV when you get home, enjoy a podcast on your laptop at work, and continue listening on your phone on your commute.

Want the highest quality, lossless audio over a wired connection? Connect using the USB-C or 3.5mm audio cable included with Sonos Ace. Whether you want wireless or wired, Sonos Ace works right out of the box with any device.

Long-lasting battery life and ultra-fast charging

The Sonos Ace headphones sound so good and are so comfortable, you might never want to take them off. But with up to 30 hours of listening or talk time with ANC on, you'll probably need a break before your Sonos Ace headphones die. When it's time to charge, plug in the included USB-C cable for three minutes to recover three hours of battery life.

Get personalized, immersive sound today

Even if you love your soundbar or speaker, you can't always leave it at home. Now Sonos Ace is finally here, so you can take your customized spatial audio with you wherever you go and complete the experience when you return home. Upgrade your sound and get Sonos Ace at Best Buy today.




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