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Apple Intelligence is what Google Gemini and Galaxy AI should have been all along.

Apple Intelligence is what Google Gemini and Galaxy AI should have been all along.


AI has taken center stage in nearly every mobile product since Samsung launched the Galaxy S24 in January. Google Gemini models have Galaxy AI running behind the scenes, and other big-name products like Microsoft's Copilot+ and OpenAI's GPT-4o have made waves in the past six months. There have been countless AI efforts from phone makers like Nothing and OnePlus, and now Apple has joined the AI ​​fray.

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Dubbed Apple Intelligence (get it?), Apple's first foray into real in-device AI is all about personal intelligence. The company has taken a unique approach to building AI and has learned from its competitors. The result is what I believe is the best implementation of AI in a smartphone to date, and it's sure to have Android makers worried when it's released later this year.

This is why Apple Intelligence is what Google Gemini and Galaxy AI should have been all along.

What is Apple Intelligence?

Apple Intelligence is Apple's answer to on-device AI. Unlike Samsung and Google, which focused on specific AI apps and features, Apple has built it into the fabric of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. The result is more useful AI and fulfills Apple's goal of “AI for everyone.”

Built with custom large-scale language models (LLMs), it uses the personal context of your phone to deliver a unique AI experience. It's not an app or a specific feature, it's a platform that brings AI to all your Apple devices. Many of Apple Intelligence's actions are performed on-device, but when more functionality is required, Apple offloads certain tasks to the cloud.

Privacy was a top priority throughout Apple's keynote, but it doesn't necessarily sit well with cloud-based services. The result of this conundrum is Private Cloud Computing. When more power is needed, Apple Intelligence offloads certain tasks and data to its cloud computing capabilities to generate the optimal answer. No one (or anything) has access to this information, not even Apple itself.

Related Apple Intelligence is the iPhone's answer to Gemini and Galaxy AI. Coming to beta this fall.

Apple Intelligence is the foundation of the new Siri voice assistant, and this major improvement is set to transform Siri from the worst smartphone assistant to the best. Apple's products have always struggled to pull relevant information from the web, but the new AI-powered Siri marks a change in approach. The new LLMs allow Siri to better understand user intent, giving the assistant the contextual awareness it has lacked over the past few years. Siri can also tap into additional LLMs, including ChatGPT, when it needs to search the web, recall specific facts, or perform common queries not covered by Apple's LLMs.

This is a great implementation that shows a thoughtful approach to use and experience rather than a sudden decision to incorporate AI. This stands in stark contrast to everything that has come before.

A better approach to AI

By focusing on these areas, Apple has targeted other AI platforms.

Apple prefers to follow rather than lead, taking the time to learn from what its competitors are doing before implementing their own approach to the same problem. Apple Intelligence is a perfect example of this, as Apple was beaten to the punch by Samsung and Google, yet ensured to approach AI from a completely different perspective.

Similarly, Google I/O 2024 was seen by many as Google's response to the ChatGPT-4o announcement the day before. The world was expecting a response from Google, especially since Microsoft has backed OpenAI (the makers of ChatGPT) and implemented its tools in Bing. Google's response consisted of listing a huge number of AI features and statistics, mentioning AI 121 times in a two-hour keynote dedicated to AI, and little else.

Google Gemini itself, like Apple Intelligence, was born in response to industry pressure. But differences in approach and ethos have led the two companies to take different paths in their efforts to catch up with OpenAI. Google rushed Gemini to market as a ChatGPT clone with some phone-specific features, while Apple took a step back and realized that if they were going to implement AI, they needed to do it in a way that served the overall user experience. And while Google will always direct users to Gemini, Apple Intelligence wants to give them the best of everything. The contrast couldn't be starker, and Apple will make sure to let the world know.

Apple can sell AI, Google can't

With the launch of the iPhone 16 in September and the release of iOS 18, Apple Intelligence will be at the forefront of all of the company's advertising, and as a result, I predict that by the end of the year, a significant number of everyday consumers will start to think that AI stands for Apple Intelligence.

Apple's ability to market their AI and their approach to creating “AI for the masses” puts them at total odds with their competitors. Google doesn't even know what to call their AI. Google Now is now Google Assistant, but Now still exists in some forms. And Gemini is a replacement for Google Assistant, and some it isn't. Google doesn't know how to brand or market their products.

Apple doesn't lead the way, but it drives market trends.

Video calling and facial recognition are just a few of the features that Apple introduced late but ultimately gained popularity across the world thanks to their introduction. Many new features in iOS 18 have been widely available on Android devices and in some cases have been available for years.

Apple is innovating in some ways, but in others it's adopting what's already working elsewhere (either externally, or within its ecosystem of third-party apps). Apple's marketing muscle has impressed these features on the masses in a way that other brands can't, but the closest thing to come is Samsung. Apple's push to allow Siri to work directly with apps means that many developers are building with this in mind, creating better AI experiences on the iPhone.

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For the last six months, the term AI has been thrust upon mobile users with little regard for their privacy, concerns, and experience. Apple has chosen to take a step back and consider the use cases for AI to build experiences like no other. While this initial reaction is based on claims and demos made during the keynote, Apple Intelligence is what Google Gemini should have been striving for all along.

Nirave is the founder, evangelist, and creator of House of Tech, covering the best of tech with a focus on the impact of technology. Since suffering a heart attack at age 33, he has focused on the impact technology has on our mental, physical, and emotional health. Read his Impact by House of Tech newsletter or follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to learn more.




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