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Google's AI Overview uses its own mistakes to make new ones

Google's AI Overview uses its own mistakes to make new ones


Google began rolling out AI Overviews in May, and soon after, stories of egregious AI mistakes went viral, most notably when Google suggested users put glue on their pizza. Now, AI Overviews has started using articles about that widespread situation — telling users to put glue on their pizza.

Google has been clear from the start that its search AI, now called “AI Summary,” may summarize information that isn't entirely accurate. As the feature rolled out more widely, this became evident when Summary started spitting out sarcastic or satirical information as confident fact. The most talked-about example was when Google recommended that users put glue on their pizza to stop the cheese from sticking, a continuation of a clearly satirical Reddit comment from a decade ago.

Google has since defended the summaries, explaining that the vast majority of summaries are accurate and that the most widespread mistakes were the result of very rare queries. Since these public mistakes, the frequency with which AI summaries appear has begun to decrease significantly, in part because Google has committed to taking action against inaccurate or dangerous information, including by not showing AI summaries for queries that recommend putting glue on pizza.

Bluesky developer Colin McMillen noticed that Google was still recommending this, but in a new way. When he searched for “how much glue to add to pizza,” he found that AI Overview was providing up-to-date information on the topic, this time from a news article reporting on Google's viral mistake. The Verge saw the same results yesterday (and even featured snippets using that information). But it appears to have been disabled by Google, as he couldn't get AI Overview for that or similar queries.

Image: Colin McMillen for Bluesky

According to Google’s explanation that rare queries provide false information, it makes sense that this would happen with this even rarer query.

But should they?

This is an important issue, and thankfully, Google seems to be continuing to work on it to ensure that such mistakes don't persist. But the main problem this situation illustrates is that AI summaries tend to surface information that is clearly inaccurate or satirical in context. When Google first began this work, we challenged the possibility that Google's AI would pull information from AI-generated articles and websites in the first place, but it seems that the human touch in online content is similarly difficult for AI to sift through.

A detailed overview of AI:

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