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Outdated technology stifles innovation in 80% of companies

Outdated technology stifles innovation in 80% of companies


A new NTT DATA report highlights the importance of robust infrastructure lifecycle management to improve business continuity and reduce operational risk, with 94% of executives believing that legacy infrastructure has a significant impact on their business agility.


NTT DATA, a leading global IT infrastructure and services company, found that 80% of organizations agree that inadequate or outdated technology is impeding their organization’s progress and innovation efforts. In fact, 94% of C-level executives believe that legacy infrastructure significantly impedes business agility.

These findings come from NTT DATA's first-ever Lifecycle Management report, which leverages NTT DATA's 25 years of data-driven insights to explore the challenges and opportunities that exist as organizations navigate infrastructure lifecycle management. The study was conducted from 2022 to 2023, collecting data from more than 248 million active assets across 130 countries and supported by responses from up to 1,400 senior technology decision makers.

Lifecycle management is a critical enabler of business success. Unfortunately, rapid modernization, the proliferation of technology consumption models, and an increasingly complex and fragmented supplier ecosystem make it difficult for many organizations to properly maintain their technology infrastructure in a way that fosters business agility and innovation. Further complicating the issue, the report finds that more than two-thirds (69%) of currently active hardware (with a planned end of support date) will no longer be supported by 2027.

According to the report, only 51% of enterprises fully align their technology approach to business strategic needs, and 71% of organizations say most of their network assets are aging or obsolete. Unfortunately, lifecycle management can also have an even more direct impact on operations: misaligned lifecycle patterns can lead to inadequate coverage levels, labor-intensive updates, extended incident resolution times, security breaches, and even costly license non-compliance and compliance issues.

Lifecycle management reports provide timely, actionable insights to help IT leaders mitigate these risks and maximize the value of their hardware and the software that runs on it.

Advice for developing a holistic view of technology assets that enables streamlining of potentially inconsistent lifecycles. Supporting standardization of procurement practices and rationalization of an organization's multi-vendor environment in the face of increasing ecosystem fragmentation. Guidance for improving service delivery while optimizing costs, for both internal and external stakeholders and customers. Gain a deeper understanding of the sustainability benefits that can result from improved lifecycle management procedures.

“The infrastructure lifecycle is a critical part of the IT management process. It represents both an opportunity and a challenge for leadership, as effectively managing the lifecycle can deliver significant business benefits, from improved efficiency to increased innovation. However, ineffective lifecycle management can also introduce many risks to security and business continuity, and become a significant operational impediment. Through the lifecycle management report, our goal is to help organizations strengthen their infrastructure lifecycle processes and unlock the significant benefits they can achieve,” said Gary Middleton, vice president, Network GTM, NTT DATA Corporation.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author may be out of date and has been edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take any organizational stance or position, and all views, positions and conclusions expressed here are solely those of the authors.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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