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Oracle and Google Team Up to Deliver Multicloud to the Enterprise

Oracle and Google Team Up to Deliver Multicloud to the Enterprise


Google/Oracle Partnership


Oracle and Google have announced new multi-cloud services that bridge the gap between Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Enterprise customers who have invested in the Google Cloud and Oracle technology stacks can benefit from interoperability and integration by deploying applications across both public cloud environments.

Google Cloud's Cross-Cloud Interconnect will enable customers to deploy general-purpose workloads without data transfer charges between clouds and will initially be available for customer onboarding in 11 regions globally. Oracle Database@Google Cloud, a new service with feature and price parity to OCI, will be available later this year. This joint service will benefit enterprises across multiple sectors, including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, and retail, across the globe.

Oracle Database@Google Cloud deploys modern database services in Google Cloud datacenters powered by OCI hardware. Customers can now leverage Oracle Autonomous Database, the leading managed service for Oracle Database. They can also migrate their mission-critical database workloads to Oracle Exadata Database Cloud Service, the leading platform for Oracle Database. Customers can also deploy their Oracle Database on Google Compute Engine.

Both Oracle and Google Cloud have invested in private networks designed specifically to link enterprise data centers to their cloud platforms. Network switching and connectivity is provided by our partners at Google Cloud Interconnect and FastConnect on OCI. A set of telecommunications, networking, and colocation providers provide high-speed connectivity between clouds and data centers.

Through this partnership, Oracle offers direct, low-latency network connectivity to Google Cloud through Cross-Cloud InterConnect. Customers do not need to route traffic through an intermediate service provider to establish a connection between the two clouds, and there are no inter-cloud data transfer charges when connecting workloads running in these two cloud environments.

Customers benefit from flexible migration options, including compatibility with tools like Oracle Zero-Downtime Migration. Customers can leverage their existing Google Cloud commitments and Oracle licensing benefits with a streamlined purchasing and contracting experience through Google Cloud Marketplace. The integrated environment supports the full range of Oracle database services while providing security, simplicity, and low latency. Additionally, it enables the integration of Oracle data with Google's leading AI services to power a wide range of applications, including customer service, employee services, creative studios, and developer environments.

Oracle will operate and manage its Oracle Database services in Google Cloud data centers around the world, starting with regions in North America and Europe. Initially available in 11 regions around the world, customers can seamlessly connect Google Cloud and OCI to combine workloads across cloud environments. For example, a web application deployed on Google Cloud can communicate with an Oracle database running on OCI with little to no code changes.

Oracle Chairman and CTO Larry Ellison emphasized that customers want the flexibility to use multiple clouds. To address this demand, Google and Oracle are connecting Google Cloud services with Oracle's latest database technology. This includes integrating Oracle Cloud Infrastructure hardware into Google Cloud data centers to ensure optimal database and network performance.

Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai emphasized that the partnership will benefit many joint enterprise customers by enabling them to leverage Oracle's databases and applications alongside Google Cloud's innovative platform and AI capabilities.

This collaboration is similar to the Oracle-Microsoft partnership, where Oracle Cloud and Azure are interconnected to provide seamless cross-cloud capabilities. While both partnerships aim to integrate Oracle's robust database services with leading cloud platforms, Oracle's alliance with Google specifically leverages Google Cloud's advanced AI capabilities to provide a unique combination of database management and innovative AI solutions.




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